Hina's parents

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Request by: ZaBalance011

I remember that special day

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I remember that special day.

When my beautiful wife, Elena gave birth to our beautiful baby girl.

It was like the morning sun had reincarnated into our child.

"What should we name her?" Elena asked with a weak smile, in her arms our baby crying.

I thought for a moment, before I smiled.



"You're so cute, mi cariño!" Elena coos as she plays with her 5 month old daughter. "You gonna teach her some Spanish?" Ankoku asks, a hand around his wife's waist.

"Why of course! She'll learn about everything about our culture!" Elena responds, a smirk on her lips. "Hey, maybe she can find a guapo guy, like you." Elena teases.

"Mm, I'd rather her not get a boyfriend until she's 18!" Ankoku declares before getting playfully punched by his wife. "You dated me when we were 16, what makes you think Hina isn't gonna get a boyfriend at our age?"

"Who knows, besides our relationship was different back then. Who knows if Hina is gonna find the one?"

Elena smiles before she looks back at their baby. "But what I really wanna know is who she'll be someday? Maybe like you, always hardworking."

Ankoku chuckles. "Maybe she'll be like you? Always hard headed and strict?"

"Well strictness is very much needed!" Elena fakes a gasp as Ankoku laughs before playing butterfly kisses in her face.

Suddenly the moment was cut short as young Hina starts crying, followed by a stomach grumble. "Awww, my little baby is hungry! Let's get you something to eat!" Ankoku coos as he picks her up.


"You were so wonderful, my sunshine! I'm so proud of you!" Elena cheers as the two and their now 4 year old daughter.

"Thanks Mami…" Hina mutters, staring at the screen as it shows Ai. "You know, I wished we stayed a bit longer. Ai being a part of this really pulls it together!" Elena smiles, patting her child's head.

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