Yuzuki and Gorou ♡

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Has been requested by a few people, and yall shall receive!


Gorou places a hand on the woman's cheek, adoration in his eyes as he slowly gets down on one knee.

"These past few years you've made me feel like the luckiest man in the entire world. Beautiful, kind, caring, absolutely amazing."

Yuzuki can feel her heart beating against her chest as Gorou pulls out a small box from his back pocket.

"So, Yuzuki…"

"Will you make me even more lucky…

"...and marry me?"

Tears streamed down her face as she tightly hugged her now future fiance.

"Yes, yes! Thousand times yes!"


"Woah- getting handsy are we~?"

A smirk etched on Yuzuki's face as Gorou, now her newly wedded husband was wrapping his arms around her. Arousal tension in the air.

"Hm? What's wrong with holding my wife~?" Gorou smiled. "You're already this aroused? My goodness, who knew you were such a pervert?" Yuzuki giggle in which Gorou pouted in response.

"Even so… I wonder what'll happen if I do get pregnant…?" Yuzuki lets out a dreamy sigh. Staring at the ceiling above as the two laid on their honeymoon bed.

"Yeah… makes me think what our kid will strive to be? Bet they'll be just like you." Gorou chuckled, gently kissing Yuzuki's lips.

"Maybe, probably inherited your smarts too!" Yuzuki cooed, getting closer to Gorou.

"But… most of all…"

"I want them to be happy…"


"Say 'aaa'..."


Gorou sat there as he watched Sarina being spoon-fed by Yuzuki who seemed overjoyed. "Sorta unfair she's got to be spoon fed but not me." Gorou teases.

"Oh honey, if I did you'll be so dependent on me." Yuzuki giggled, Sarina's laugh also following. "You know… I wanna ask!" Sarina butts in, looking between the two.

"Do you guys have any children?"

Sarina sees the hurt flashed in their eyes. The married couple look back at each other with such sadness before they put back their smiling faces.

"Not at the moment we don't… But, if we ever do. I hope you can get along with them!" Yuzuki smiled, placing a hand on Sarina's.

"Really! I'll become the best big sister!" Sarina cheered. "You sure will. But first, your health must come first!" Gorou grinned.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to get better soon!" The three start laughing together, like a big happy family…


"You've been very obsessed with that idol." Gorou points out, staring out the window before back at Sarina who was staring at the small television which was broadcasting B Komachi.

"I am! Ai is the prettiest and most talented idol ever!" Sarina squealed, holding her Ai plushie tightly.

Gorou smiles, his gaze casted on the TV. "You know… Yuzuki used to want to be an idol once.."

"Really?" Sarina looks back at Gorou, surprised by the information. "Then… what stopped her?"

Gorou smiles at Sarina's confused expression before looking back at the window, the snowflakes falling down gracefully.

"She met me…."

"Wow, you really stopped her from fulfilling her dream…" Sarina deadpanned.

"What- no! She chose to marry me cause she loves me!" Gorou protested.


Gorou can feel his hands getting sweaty, his breath getting heavier as he watches his wife, his one and only, crying her heart out as she buries her face into the mattress, clutching the Ai Keychain.

"Why! She- she was so young! Where are her parents! They should have been there for her! She-" Yuzuki let out a choke sob, tears staining the bedsheets.

"Yuzuki…" Gorou breathed out, he felt ready to burst into tears but he didn't, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

All he did was crotch down and embrace Yuzuki into a hug, letting her tears stain his shirt. "You know… Sarina told me to pass this message…"

Yuzuki sobs quieted down, her gaze looking up at her husband, glossy with tears. Gorou can feel his heart break, he couldn't bear to see his wife like this…

"Tell…. Tell Mama that I thank her for being there with me…"

"….thank you two for being my new parents…."


Mmm, I love angst :3

(Ps. Sorry if this wasn't long :/ I hope yall have a nice day/night!)

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