004 | right path at the right time (222)

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After dinner, you began to walk back to the hotel, yet the girl's voice lingered in your thoughts. It felt odd to hear such an accent in this secluded corner of Italy, especially after hearing Italian throughout the day.

Your mind drifted, already planning your activities for the next day- you wanted to visit a strawberry field. As you neared your hotel, just some streets away, you could not help but feel at ease. This sense of security allowed you to look peacefully at the charming Potentini surroundings, particularly their beautifully adorned balconies, some decorated with flowers and greenery, some even with tables and chairs.

However, your daze was momentarily interrupted as you picked up on the distinct rhythm of another pair of footsteps drawing near. The click-clack contrasted with the sound of your heels- it was someone wearing sneakers.

"Huh?" You muttered, looking behind you. You saw the silhouette of a slim girl walking in your direction.

"Wait." The girl called out to you. You were not naive; you had no intention of stopping without first seeing her face. Fear was not what held you back- you were just cautious.

You maintained your eyes focused on the girl. As the mysterious girl drew nearer, it became unmistakably evident-this was indeed the same girl you saw in the restaurant.

"You probably thought I was following you, huh?" She smiled apologetically. "I'm Bada, by the way. I'm staying at Hotel Giubileo, and the lady at the front desk mentioned there was another foreigner here, and you're the first one I've seen." The newly introduced Bada said.

You glance at Bada, noticing her stylish clothes and natural beauty. In the blink of an eye, you responded with a warm smile.

"Yeah, I'm heading back to the hotel." You replied, walking beside Bada. "Funny enough, the lady at the front desk mentioned you, and I overheard you talking in the restaurant earlier and I knew you were the girl she was talking about." You confessed while looking at her.

"I guess Potenza is a bit of a weird tourist spot." Bada remarked as the two of you walked into the hotel grounds.

"Why are you here, though? Like you said." You chuckled lightly. "I came here mainly to practice my Italian. Anywhere else, and I'd probably end up just speaking English."

"I'm on a road trip. I want to explore the whole of southern Italy. The scenery is just breathtaking. But, I admit, my Italian is pretty bad." The girl admitted with a pessimistic laugh.

As you both entered the hotel, the receptionist greeted you with a smile.

"I'm visiting a strawberry field tomorrow. Would you like to join?" you invited the girl.

"Sure! But you haven't even told me your nameee." She teased, drawing out the vowels with a playful tone.

Both of you shared a laugh- mindful of the late hour, you tried to keep your voices down so as not to be labeled as the noisy guests in the hotel.

"It's Y/N. I'm sorry about that." You apologized. "How about we meet here tomorrow at ten in the morning? I heard the best time to visit the strawberry field is between nine and eleven to get the freshest berries."

"Yes, that works for me. I'll be right here, then. Good night!" Bada replied with a sleepy smile.

"Good night, see you tomorrow." You said as you turned around and began to walk to the elevator.

Just like that, you had met by chance, with the front desk lady serving as a matchmaker for your adventure exploring Potenza together. That night, both of you went to bed excited, eagerly anticipating the next day.

strawberry fields | bada leeWhere stories live. Discover now