025 | pleading love-me eyes

634 38 20

[idk if this needs a cw but they take a shower together!! but it's wholesome LOL <3 also today is my birthday, i am 21 nowww ^_^]

You rose from the bed, wrapping your body in the blanket. Bada, who was less shy, sat comfortably on the surface.

"Where are we headed today?" You inquired, a shy smile appearing on your lips- you needed time to plan tomorrow's date. "Do you have an idea?"

Bada considered the options. "How about shopping? Then we can visit the cathedral. I've heard it's breathtaking. I'm not religious, but I really want to see it- Italian architecture is one of my favorites in the world."

"That sounds great." You said, however your stomach growled- Bada and you laughed. "So, we are having breakfast here?"

Bada glanced at the clock, pointing at it. It was already 12:58 P.M. "Doll, it's a bit late for breakfast. We take like an hour and something to get ready, so let's do that quickly and grab some lunch instead."

You chuckled. "True, I didn't even know what time it was. We are heavy sleepers"

Bada placed her hands on your shoulders, giving them a gentle massage. "Want to shower together?" She asked, playfully smiling.

"I'm a bit shy, but sure." You admitted, and Bada looked at you, suppressing a laugh.

"We've already seen each other's bodies, and I just told you how I see you." She teased, leading the way to the bathroom.

You dropped the blanket and hurried to join her. Bada had already turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature to ensure it was just right- neither too hot nor too cold.

"Feel the water and tell me if it's okay like that." She instructed, a smile on her face. You gently touched the water cascading from the showerhead and scrunched your nose- it was too cold.

"Is it too cold?" Bada inquired.

"Yes. Just a bit warmer, please." You replied, crossing your arms around your body, still feeling exposed.

As you watched, Bada tried to find the perfect temperature. "I think this is better, but you tell me." She asked, and you touched the water again, nodding in approval.

At the same time, Bada and you stepped into the shower. She hugged you beneath the water, ensuring both of you were underneath it. Gently wiping the water from your face, you turned around to meet Bada's gaze, returning the gesture by wiping the droplets from her eyes. At that moment, she looked too beautiful- her bare face adorned with your lipstick marks, water droplets clinging to her long eyelashes and full lips, caused you to blush at the sight of her.

"Pretty." You murmured, delicately tucking Bada's wet hair behind her ears.

"Me?" She questioned.

"Yes, you." You affirmed, your gaze loving. "Who else?"

"You." Bada said. "Then, we are both pretty, right?"

The moment was pure- the natural vulnerability created a sense of tranquility. The idea of feeling so comfortable with someone as to shower with them was something you had not pictured before, but with Bada, it felt natural, without a second thought. Bada glanced around the bathroom, her eyes widening at the array of strawberry-scented products neatly arranged. A giggle escaped her lips.

"Ah, that's why you always smell so sweet." She observed, reaching for your shampoo. Popping open the cap, she grabbed a bit onto her hand and placed it onto your head. "Give me your hand." She requested, and you complied. The liquid flowed down, and you reciprocated the gesture, applying it to her hair.

With eyes closed, both of you delicately massaged the shampoo into each other's scalp. Your hands moved gently through Bada's longer hair, spreading the foamy shampoo through her hair, while she mirrored the action, her hands deeply massaging your scalp, allowing the water to rinse away the shampoo.

You reached for your conditioner and began applying it meticulously to your and Bada's hair. Afterward, you took your loofah in hand, and Bada grabbed your body wash, allowing a few drops to fall onto the loofah.

"Turn around." Bada guided, gently taking the loofah from your hands. As the water fell on your skin, Bada proceeded to wash your back and shoulders with a fondness that made the experience feel as if it was out of a romantic novel. Every stroke and touch conveyed her desire for you to enjoy the moment.

Bada's careful attention to your comfort revealed her honest joy in witnessing your reactions to her actions. Once she finished washing your body, she handed you the loofah, and you, in turn, started scrubbing gently.

"I really like this." Bada confessed, her voice carrying a tone of sincerity. "Getting taken care of feels nice."

As you continued scrubbing, you looked up at her momentarily. "I'm glad. I'll take care of you too, Bada."

Bada's eyes sparkled and she smiled, as both of you stood directly underneath the water until the bubbles of the body wash were entirely washed away, preparing for the day ahead.

strawberry fields | bada leeWhere stories live. Discover now