015 | hold me (otherwise i can't sleep)

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Bada's fingers still played with your hair as she processed your words. "You mean." Bada began speaking. "You think there might be something more between us?"

You nodded slowly as Bada's fingers traced a path along your spine- making you shiver. "Yes. I'm not entirely sure, but it's just... different from a friendship, you know?"

Bada adjusted her grip on you, one hand on your back, the other wrapped around your waist. She looked into your eyes. "Y/N, look at me." She said. "You're not ruining anything. Sometimes feelings happen, and there's nothing wrong with that."

"But Bada." You whispered as you leaned your head on her shoulder. The tears welled up in your eyes, and you struggled to speak. "I don't... I don't think you feel the same way about me as I do about you."

To your surprise, Bada began laughing. Why was she laughing? This was not even funny, and you felt slightly hurt and confused. "Wasn't I incredibly obvious?" She said. "Who has their friend sit on their lap while holding onto their waist?"

You slowly lifted your head from her shoulder, and your eyes met hers. "Bada, what exactly do you feel?"

"It might be too quick, but I know I feel things that make me want to be more than just friends." She began speaking. "I love when I see your pretty outfits, when I hear you speak, or when I see your gorgeous face- I like you."

You bit your lower lip, a smile forming as you tried to hold back the happy tears. "I like you too."

Bada smiled warmly, and she pulled you into a hug. You both enjoyed the moment, but your exhaustion was evident as you let out a tired yawn.

Bada chuckled, patting your back. "Let's go to the bathroom so you can wash your face, and then we can get some rest." She suggested. "You're tired, and tomorrow, we can spend more time together. But for now, I'm so glad we're on the same page."

You nodded and got up from Bada's lap, and she followed you into the bathroom. Bada helped you remove your fake lashes and gently wiped away your makeup using one of your makeup wipes.

You looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, feeling vulnerable without your makeup. "I don't like being barefaced around you." You admitted as you turned on the faucet to wash your face.

Bada leaned on the wall while looking at the floor. "Shh, don't worry about things like that around me."

You carefully cleansed your face and applied your moisturizer. Then you began brushing your teeth, all while Bada watched you. Caught in your thoughts, you glanced at the mirror and locked eyes with Bada through the reflection. She moved closer and kissed your cheek, causing you to blush.

"You're the prettiest girl ever." She said. "Just look at you." She pointed at the mirror.

After leaving the bathroom, you reached for your pajamas, which lay folded on the vanity. As you closed the bathroom door behind you, an uncontrollable smile spread across your face, even making your cheeks hurt. You quickly changed and left the bathroom, finding Bada sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Bada inquired.

"Mhm." You murmured before flopping onto the bed.

Bada could not help but giggle at your actions, laying down herself. As you stretched out, you realized you had left the blanket on the bedside table, and a disappointed whine escaped your lips.

"What's wrong?" She curiously asked.

"The blanket. I'll turn off the lights, and you can get the blanket, okay?" You responded, and Bada nodded.

Bada nodded. You got up, walked over to the light switch, and turned the light off. The only light in the room was the moonlight peeking through the curtains. Bada signaled you to lay down first, you complied, lying on your back.

She joined you on the bed, and you snuggled into the sheets. Gently, you moved, laying your head on Bada's chest- her heartbeat quickened beneath your ear, and Bada wrapped her arms around you.

"Bada, can I say something?" You nervously asked.

"Of course, you don't have to ask. Anytime you want to tell me anything, just do it." She said while caressing your back.

Your words were barely more hearable than a whisper. "Can we go slow? I am very nervous and I want to be reassured of everything, and I don't know..." You admitted. There was a hint of insecurity in your voice as if you were afraid of potentially pushing her away with your hesitation. "I am sorry if you aren't the kind of girl to go slow."

"Y/N, everything will be at your pace. I don't have a problem, okay?" Bada said you were extremely happy to hear her say that. "I want you to feel comfortable, as I've said before."

"Thank you, Bada. I appreciate that." You said. "Thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank me for things like that. I care about you." Bada spoke. "Now, let's go to sleep. Night, Y/N."

"Good night, Bada." You whispered. You closed your eyes, exhaustion washing over you. You couldn't believe how your day had unfolded, and now you were cuddled up on Bada's chest.

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