007 | the ace of wands

701 31 4

You and Bada ordered a gubana and a panettone, accompanied by two cups of coffee. The bread was soft and rich, complementing the warm, sweet coffee. As you both enjoyed your brunch, Bada's stomach couldn't help but growl, prompting a laugh from you.

"It sounds like someone's still hungry." You teased as her tummy rumbled.

"We can head back to the hotel and eat something there. We can tackle two things- eating and washing the strawberries." Bada proposed, placing a hand on her belly.

"Sounds like a plan! Let's go." You agreed.

You were close to the hotel, and the walk back was less than two minutes, so you enjoyed a peaceful stroll in the center of Potenza. Bada and you entered the hotel and walked straight into the lobby.

"Do you want to come to my room? It's on the first floor. We can order some room service, wash the berries while they prepare our food, and maybe watch a movie or something. How does that sound?" Bada suggested with a smile.

You nodded and followed her to her room, which was number 10. Bada courteously held the door open, allowing you to enter, before closing it behind her.

"You can place the berries in the bathroom sink- so we can wash them." Bada suggested. "I'll grab a clean towel so we can lay them out to dry."

"Wait, while I wash them, you can remove the little stems to speed things up. And we can use one of those bowls from the minibar to put them in." You suggested with a smile. "But first, let me order the food. What do you want? I'm getting a panino!"

"Same here, but without tomatoes. I don't like them." Bada replied, making a "yucky" face.

You placed the food order, and the staff told you it would be ready in fifteen minutes. As you waited, you and Bada teamed up. Bada removed the leafy tops while you washed the strawberries, placing them in the bowl.

"What kind of music do you like?" You inquired, your attention divided between the strawberries and the conversation with Bada.

"I like K-pop. I don't have a favorite group, but I went to a Twice concert with a friend. I couldn't believe how stunning Sana looked in person- she's beautiful!" Bada said, her eyes lighting up as she talked about the idol.

"I like K-pop too, but I love KARA! I also love J-pop, and I've had the chance to visit the AKB48 theater a few times- it's so much fun." You shared with a giggle.

"Ah, so neither of us like boy groups?" Bada laughed a bit. "I like a few songs by Shinee, but I never find boys- boy groups appealing." She admitted, managing to correct her slip-up.

"Same." She said while cleaning her hands after washing all the berries. "Done!" You took the bowl out of the bathroom and Bada followed shortly. She placed the bowl on the desk, and both of you grabbed a berry to taste.

"Oh my god, this is so good." You said while taking another bite. "It is so tasty."

Your conversation was interrupted by a few knocks on the door, signaling that food was here. The staff handed you a tray along with two drinks. Bada took charge of the food, setting it in the center of the bed, while you placed the drinks on the nightstand. Bada settled down on the bed, and you remained standing.

"Come join me. Just make sure to kick off your shoes first." She suggested, patting the bed beside her.

You slipped off your shoes and settled onto the bed beside Bada. Together, you selected a movie to watch- though it hardly mattered, as you spent most of the time talking, sharing your aspirations for exploring the city while savoring your meal. You were thoroughly enjoying yourselves, and there was an unspoken mutual feeling between you and Bada- a sense that despite having just met, you both wanted to keep being friends.

As the evening grew darker, you decided it was time to return to your room. You said goodnight to Bada, taking a handful of strawberries to snack on. Back in your room, you posted the photos that Bada had taken, captioned with, "made a new friend here <3"

strawberry fields | bada leeWhere stories live. Discover now