part 3 the prodigy

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A little blond boy was running down
The street and ended up in the alley

He tried

He tried so hard to run

He tried

But nothing

At the end of alley
Villagers call him
Brat everything .
They beat the 3 year old
After the incident of the masked man
And kyubi attack
Naruto yes this boy was none other than our prodigy
Villagers gave him hateful stare
Whenever anbu weasel and dog are not there villagers beat him and cuss at him

Naruto's pov

I was running down into the
Valley everytime
When weasel and dog san
Are not there villagers find a chance to beat me

Although danzo jiji always help me
I love everybody who respect me
But today villagers reached above the water

When nobody was there I talked to
Kura ma
Old fur ball: what happen kit
Naru Chan : I want to tell you that
I don't want to live in this village anymore please

Old fur ball: but kit if you are willing to leave the village then let me and others
Who are sealed inside you , let us train you

Naruto nodded slowly
And started walking to uzumaki compound

Authour nim pov

I won't forgive this villagers
And Minato how could he !!!!!!
I swear I am Going to kill him!!!!!
How dare they do this to my
Naru Chan .
Just wait you all I will make
Him so strong that in 4 year old Naruto Chan can be at kage level . Hahahhahhahhahha! ( Famous uchia laughter)

Naruto's pov

I came back home only to find that my family was having a good time with eachother forgetting me .btw when
The authour nim sealed other
Strong shinobi inside me
I got to know about how I will get
Treated but I was hoping my
Father the fourth hokage won't let that
Happen but my hopes crushed when
My own parents started to neglect me
They even forgot that they have a son

No one's pov

When Naruto came Minato asked who are
Naru replied I am Naruto
Kushina said what happen to you
Naruto: villagers beat me
Minato: no Naruto don't tell lie villagers could not do this Naruto : but ..bu


Was heard through the uzumaki compund

Yes .yes Kushina slapped Naruto
Kushina: don't lie to me you demon brat !!

She even forget that she slapped her own blood .
Not realising Naruto ran into the attic

Kurma I don't want to live here anymore

Menma pov

I loved how my mother slapped
That demon brat
Haha it was so fun one day I am going to defeat him .

Such a weakling


Authour nim pov

I watched how that b1tch slapped my naru Chan . You are going to regret this Kushina
Ohh how could I forget that menma
Don't worry you won't be able to
Defeat him . You poor thing .

Hahha ( physco gigle like toga )

?? : You know stop laughing like that
Authour nim : like what?
?? : Like a Maniac
Authour nim: come on keiji you are not sacred of me are you?
Keiji: I am not soon I am going to meet my bestfriend Naruto I am excited
Authour nim : fine let's go to danzo right now .
Keiji nodded slowly

Time skip creative authour nim is having a mid term exams net month
So please be patience ( authour is lazy)
Ashura said
Creative authour nim: you know you have nice tongue want me to cut it ( death threat tone)
Ashura : no !! I was just teasing master
Dobby will not try to be sarcastic with you
Creative authour nim : ok good boy

Back to the story

So at that night Naruto summon
Legendary three sanin
Six path sage ( I will call them big 7 ) ok

Big7 : so kid what do you want to do

Naruto: nothing I want you all to teach me and make me a kage level in my birthday .
Big7 shocked Naruto rocked

Naruto a voice called

Yes it's the time you all are waiting for

The authour nim , keiji , and Naruto , with kyubi the great4 . ( Don't know a name so I gave them great4 ) .

Authour nim!! Naruto exclaimed and keiji you too
Keiji: yeah me to bestie
Naruto : will you all train me asked in cute voice
Authour nim: (mind) oh my I can't handle this much cuteness kawaiiiii
Kya !!
Keiji : you know I could hear your thoughts .
Authour nim: do you have a death wish
Keiji : no sir / mam I will certainly be cautious about this
Authour nim good .

Time skip one year later


Almost there

Yup keep going

There you are . So thank you all reader who are reading this . Please let me know how you all like the character of authour nim

Yours sincerely creative authour nim .

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