part 12

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Hello 🤗 my lovely readers I hope you all are happy and taking care of yourself so let's start shall we

No one's pov

It's evening and keiji brought narumi to naruto's house

Naruto was cooking in the kitchen with mikito

Naruto : maa.. ( Naruto called mikito)

Mikito: yes naru 😊

Naruto: please don't ever leave me ok ( sob)

Mikito: aww , my bigboy I would never leave you ok , now smile

Naruto : nodded ( through tears)

Nii - Chan!!!!!!!

Naruto. Turned around and meet with a hug which made him fall

Naruto: yaa!! , Calm down my little devil , I am here

Narumi: I ... Really really miss you nii- Chan( crying )

Naruto: there , there my little devil ( patting her back like a mother would do to her baby)

Keiji , authour nim and mikito are busy taking there pictures as

Note ;:::: well you all must be confused how mikito could use a smartphone , well it's mikito and fugaku always help keiji and Naruto in technology stuff so they learned this very easily , whereas uchias only know how to open a camera and take pictures )

Mikito : Ara ma , you both are kawiii !!!

Keiji and authour nim: agreed 👍

Naruto : ok will you let me go I am cooking right now ..

Narumi : well .. ok then I will be seated in dining room

Time skip ( dinning room )

Authour nim and fugaku are at the main chair opposite to eachother .

On the right of authour nim is Naruto and beside Naruto is indra ,.obito, madara , Itachi , Shisui, sasuke and izuna this line ends with fugaku

On the left of narumi , keiji, mikito and that line also ends with fugaku .

Naruto : so , how are you planning to make your company grow with the overseas business ?

Narumi: well my company which is none other than ( EVE FASHION HOUSE) it's easy I have my company grown a lot and sure some business house , textiles company, and also k - drama fashonist and the some k-pop idol company are approaching so it's easy for me ..

Naruto : you better care about those companies, beacuse the business itself is a high range where some wolfs are ready to chew you off ok so be careful about them ok .

Narumi: nee~ nii- Chan ,you worry too much.

Naruto: well for your kind information , I have been in this industry and I know everything about it so it's better you listen to expert and make your decision wisely ( sarcastic tone)

Narumi:( gasp) how could you brother!!
I can also handle the mafia business and a company so don't open my mouth( irritated tone) .

Authour nim:: now ,now don't fight and finish your food we have a mission to attend.

Keiji : you mean that we have to kill that kang , who tried to steal our ship and sell it to higher market

Naruto: exactly , I will not tolerate this , let's show him what hell is hahhaha ( laughing like a maniac)

Authour nim : let's go then , what are we waiting for.

Time skip ( outfit )
Naruto's outfit

Time skip ( outfit )Naruto's outfit

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