announcement !!!!!!!

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So guys my mid terms are are finally !!!! Over yaa !! I am really happy just like Naruto is happy with his ramen

So I decided to for asking poll

1). So you all want an alternate universe where all mythical creatures like dragon, fairy and phoenix exists

A) yes

B) no

2) do you all want other ship like

Shikax choji

Ino x hinata

Kiba x shino

Good guy orchimaru x jiraya

Tsunade x her crush

And lastly

Kaguya x lord tenji

Please vote for your favourite ship

The polls will be open for 2 weeks after two week 's polls will be closed

Thank you and also

3) do you all want to built the uzu

A) yes

B) no

4) should uzumaki family realise their mistakes

A) yes

B ) no

5) should Naruto become otosuki by kaguya teaching him 

A) yes

B ) no

6 ) should Naruto become a the most powerful clan head of otosuki clan

A) yes

B) no

7) should authour nim have an obessive dark mysterious lover

A) yes

B) no

8) should keiji and Naruto's younger sister should date
A) yes

B) no

Also guys authour nim and creative authour nim are two different person in the start of the story I tell that it's just me in Naruto universe but it's not 🚫 true ok we both are different person 

So thank you for seeing this announcement and take care of your health

Yours sincerely creative authour nim

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