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Time skip
( Creative authour is lazy )

Authour nim s pov

Naruto !!
Come here it's your
Last training justu

Ok !!!! Naruto replied

Keiji: so you all people must be wondering what is happening .
So let me be the voice guy .

So Naruto with the help of big7 and great4( minus Naruto because of his training) .

He mastered all the justu
And also and at the age of 4 year today
He is going to become anbu
With me

Omo omo . I am so happy!!

So let's dive back Naruto is now learning how to control taile beasts inside him .
Although he has leqrned that fwe days ago

But don't worry our Naruto can learn everything very fast but I miss his smile he is always cold and stotic .

But he learning ...
( Authour nim stared him in his eyes deadly )

Keiji: um um mm..
Authour nim: you know I don't like people who don't hustle hard , and the voice guy is my work so back of ..


What authour nim keiji replied

Authour nim: teach Naruto how to control his anger tomorrow we are going to enroll him in anbu .

Naruto : right nee Chama !!! Ttetabayo
( I don't know how to spell it correctly
Please forgive your creative authour nim)

Time skip ( told you authour is .)
Right you all speak it right authour is lazy .

No one's pov

Naruto enter the danzo house

Naru: danzo jiji ( monotone voice)

Danzo : what happen Naruto

Naru: oh I want to become an anbu commander .

Danzo : but how! You are just 4 year old

Naru: who cares my parents oops .
So called perfect uzumaki family has neglect their own elder son .

Danzo : ok fine , I called some anbu

Btw uchia anbu code names are

Itachi - weasel

Indra - god

Madara - ghost ( I dunno people call him ghost of uchia )

Shishu - crow

Kakashi - dog

Dive back into the story

So danzo pov

I can't believe he defeat the strongest anbu within 1 minutes .


Danzo : umm ! ( Cough to get naruto's attention)

Danzo: Naruto from now you are an special commander . You will do the work of commander silently I am going to give you a rank of ssss in bingo book

Naruto: well good news . So I als have a condition .

Danzo: which type of condition

Naruto : well

1- no annoying teammate
2- I will always tag along keiji .
3 - give only s or sss rank missions
4- good salary
5 - everybody should mind their business and not poke in my .

Understand ( deep voice)
Which sent shivers down everybody present in room

Btw danzo know what happen to Naruto .

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