part 9 THE BASE PLAN !!

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So hello dear readers this chapter will be full of images credit goes to pinterest and the artist so please enjoy

Yours sincerely creative authour nim

No one's pov

After the execution of d3 the village realise that what have they done k

The uzumaki family also realise that they had lost the one who once loved them the most

The whole village was in sorrow

While our powerfull queen bottoms
Were shopping

But wait that's what happen happened
Right !!

But some people's anger and vegeanance grow they were none other than our uchia family

After knowing the whole story from the clone of keiji the flames of revenge were burning inside them

The uchia family couldn't believe that what happen to Naruto

After few minutes of crying , bashing, throwing everything , and screaming

Keiji: Naruto knew that of you all live here this villagers will also banish you so, we the great d3 have a deal for you all

Uchia family : what deal

Keiji : well you see you all have the potential , and Naruto don't want to go that potential waste so would you all like to join the d3

Uchial family: ( after thinking). Yes we would like would love to

Keiji : ok then( open portal to modern world)
Get in that portal grim reaper will take you in his limo after that

Uchia family : ok ( goes into the portal )

Authour nim's pov

After that keiji destroyed the uchia compound
And teleported to modern world .

With the uchi family

We all got into the portal because we trust naru Chan

Uchia family 's pov

Well after entering the portal we stepped out in a ne world
It looks morden.

And delighted

Until we saw grim reaper
Gr: well you all look like you are ready to come in the business

Get in the car . Gr said

Uchia family's pov

A big black ravenish car came and we all sat inside it the car

Gr : we are here
Uchia family's pov

When we all got out we met with a air transport thing which has two big giant plates on both side just like birds

Gr: it's called aeroplane ✈️ we use this thing in morden world to transport on remote areas and far places where road and trains cannot reach
, But it's a private plane

Uchia's : what's that now
Gr: old generation problem ( sigh)
I will explain everything later but now get in that

Grim reaper 's pov

Honestly these uchias are really getting on my nerves asking questions can't they learn something from their parents who are sitting quietly !! Ugh

No one's pov

After two hours they reached their destination and it was none other than d3's mansion

It was ravishing and elegant
The landing place

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