part 5 the reveal

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No one's pov

Commander danzo's voice echoed through the office walls

C( commander ) btw c means Naruto

I thought to give it a short name .

C: lower your voice ( cold voice as usual with everyone except friend ,. family)

Danzo: well today you have to enroll in academy with the uchias .

Danzo : weasel , ghost , crow , god, and joining obito with your jiji dog

Hearing name dog naruto's eyes light up but he didn't show

His mask was still on

C: nodded , but I will not go as an dumb idiot , instead with the appearance of silent genius .

Danzo: ok as you wish now come in you all

With that they all came

But with dog

C : hi

Dog: juubi !!

C : wow still know me

Others were quite confused about that except dazo beacuse he was the one to assign dog to young Naruto

Uchias : shocked ! Ju .. ju .juubi

C: um yes got any problem

Uchias: no ( nodded in fear )

Ok good then

Danzo: now for the trust test , remove all of your mask ,

With that they removed their mask uchia was looking like

Itachi : as always beautiful

Madara: mainly handsome

Indra: hot

Obito: heavens

Kakshi: sugar da99y

Danzo: now tell your name

Itachi: uchia Itachi

Madara: uchia madara

Indra: uchia indra

Obito: uchia obito

Shishu: uchia Shishu

Now come on juubi !!

C: fine

Juubi remove his mask

Uchias shock

Madara's pov

Oh my god he is really so beautiful

Shishu's pov

How can be someone so heavenly

Itachi's pov

Ara ma kawaii !!

Obito's pov

I am going to make him mine

Uchias can link eachother through mind

Madara : same he is going to be ours soon

Indra: correct

Obito: yup

Shishu: can't complain

Itachi : we should inform sasuke and izuna about this

Uchias : ok

After the mask session

So you are telling me we are going to seprate . Itachi asked with a small pout

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