Well damn...

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It has been one month since Anthony allowed the people from Remnant to live in his house. And thanks to David who lives next door is willing to have half the people living at his house too.

Including Sienna Khan.

Who David ended up dating after the first week.

Meanwhile, Anthony continued to help the group adjust to life on Earth. He taught them about the customs and culture of this new world, helped them acquire clothing and essentials, and even introduced them to some of the local cuisine.

The absence of their aura and semblances remained a challenge, but they were learning to adapt and rely on their own strengths. The group had also taken up various activities and hobbies to pass the time, including reading, cooking (with varying degrees of success), and even attempting to learn about Earth's music and entertainment.

The camaraderie among the Remnant group and their new Earth friends, like David and Anthony, grew stronger with each passing day. Together, they faced the challenges of adapting to this unfamiliar world, finding solace in the bonds they were forming. And as they looked toward an uncertain future, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

We then see Anthony at 0100 in the morning getting a bottle of water from his cooler in the garage, then passing through his living room, then opening the door to his mancave and laying back down in his bed.

Hand began to cuddle next to as he smiled back to sleep.

He then goes wide eye awake and looks at who's touching him.

It was Willow.

Willow wakes up a bit, looks at her surroundings, looks at Anthony, looks down at her sleeping attire which is sexy lingerie and back at Anthony.

Both were now wide awake and speechless. Until Anthony finally spoke in a tired manner.

"Look, you probably slept walked in my bed. It's 1 something at night. And I got shit to do tomorrow-wait. More like in four hours from now. So, let's just go back to sleep. Okay?"

Willow nods, still a bit embarrassed by the situation. "Can I still cuddle you while we sleep?"

Anthony just gives her a thumbs up.

With a nod and an understanding smile, Anthony and Willow settled back into the bed. The awkwardness of the situation slowly faded as they both found comfort in the warmth of each other's presence. In the quiet of the night, they drifted back to sleep, the gentle embrace of their unexpected connection providing solace in the darkness.

Soon, his alarm clock on his smartphone beeps at 0500. He was about to shut it off when someone did it already.

He was about to get up when his brain clicked.

Willow is on his left side still cuddling him.

Then who dafuq is on his right side cuddling him?

Anthony looks to see Raven clinging to his right arm. "Raven."


"Raven get up."


"Can I at least move my arm from your titties?"

"No~" Raven said smiling smugly at him.

Anthony couldn't help but sigh at Raven's playful defiance. He carefully extracted his arm from her grip, causing her to pout slightly.

"Fine, you win this round," he muttered with a half-smile as he prepared to get out of bed.

As he moved, Willow stirred on his other side. She looked at him sleepily, her gaze soft and warm. "Morning," she mumbled.

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