Yay-wait what?

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"By the way. I got good news and...maybe news." Anthony said, getting everyone's attention. "Good news is, that 'government stuff' I said. It was a meeting with the President that David, and I requested. And thanks to the President's approval. He made you all legal US citizens!"

The room erupted into a mix of shock and joy. Ruby and Nora, in particular, seemed ecstatic, jumping up and down in excitement. The news meant a lot to all of them, as it provided a sense of belonging and security in their new world.

Winter was pleasantly surprised. "That's incredible news, Anthony. We're genuinely grateful for your help."

Ironwood nodded, a sense of relief in his eyes. "It'll make things much smoother."

Ozpin smiled warmly. "You've done a great service for all of us."

Watts, while not one to show much emotion, acknowledged, "It simplifies our situation significantly."

Salem, with a hint of a smirk, added, "It seems we've finally found a way to integrate into this world properly."

Nora was practically bouncing with glee. "This is amazing!"

Weiss wore a wide smile, her eyes shining with happiness. "I can't believe it. Thank you, Anthony."

Yang clapped him on the back. "You're the best, man!"

Jaune nodded in amazement. "I never thought I'd see the day."

Oscar, still processing the news, finally managed to speak. "This is incredible. Thank you, Anthony."

Anthony nodded. "You have all the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens now."

Cinder looked pleased but reserved. "That's certainly a significant development."

Emerald was visibly relieved. "No more worrying about our status."

Kali, too, was delighted. "Thank you, Anthony. This means a lot to us."

Coco cheered and pumped her fist in the air. "Yes! USA! USA!"

Pyrrha was equally thrilled. "This is such a wonderful opportunity for all of us."

Ruby, unable to contain her excitement, hugged Anthony tightly. "This is amazing! Thank you so much!"

Nora, equally enthusiastic, joined in the hug. "You're the best, Anthony!"

Anthony chuckled, patting their backs. "You're welcome, kiddos. I'm just glad I could help."

It was a moment of celebration, a turning point for the group from Remnant as they embraced their new status as legal citizens of the United States.

Winter couldn't help but ask, "What about Sienna Khan? Is she included?"

Anthony nodded. "Yes, she's included as well. She wanted to be part of this."

The atmosphere in the room was one of elation and gratitude. The Remnant group had faced countless challenges since arriving in this new world, and this was a significant milestone in their journey.

Blake spoke up, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you, Anthony. This means more to us than you can imagine."

Summer, Willow, and Kali expressed their appreciation as well, their eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Anthony waved off their thanks. "It's the least I could do for all of you. Welcome to the United States of America."

As the excitement settled, Ruby couldn't help but add with a grin, "So, does this mean we get to celebrate with some pancakes?"

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