Fire and love

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"Well, now that we've taken a trip down memory lane," Anthony said getting up, "I'm gonna go check on the girls. See if they need help cooking anything."

As he walked into the kitchen, Anthony couldn't help but smile. Then looked shocked at Willow starting a fire by putting the flour in the bowl.

"Why the hell are you trying to set my kitchen on fire again!?"

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Really? How did you accidentally start a fire in the kitchen?!"

"I was just trying to put the ingredients in the bowl."

Kali is seen already drinking whiskey from witnessing this shit again. While Tomoe just chuckled at the reaction from Anthony.

"This is why we never let her cook." Coco whispered to Salem.

"Understandable." Salem replied.

"Hey! I heard that!" Willow exclaimed, indignantly.

Anthony groaned, trying to resist the urge to bang his head against the wall. "I'm gonna have to ban you from cooking in my house."

Willow gasped, her jaw dropping. "You can't be serious."

"Deadly." Anthony deadpanned.

The women exchanged amused looks, appreciating the dynamic between Anthony and Willow.

"Can we put the fire before-" Raven didn't finish her sentence as the fire alarm beeps.

"Oh, for freak's sake! I'm getting the fire extinguisher!!" Anthony said, leaving the kitchen.

"You're not mad, are you?" Tomoe asked as Anthony came back.

"Nope. Just questioning logic and physics." Anthony said as he put out the fire. "Kali." She tosses a bottle of Jack Daniel and a glass to him, "Thank you."

Kali nods.

"Alright. From now on, I'm gonna supervise." Anthony said to make sure Willow didn't start any fires.

"This is ridiculous!" Willow said.

"Yeah, well. Don't start fires." Raven said but get hit with a spoon by Tomoe who gives the women a 'look'.

"No fighting in the kitchen~" She spoke with threatening sweet smile and voice.

"Y-yes ma'am." Willow and Raven said.


"Now, the next thing we need to do is to heat up the eggs and milk in a pan over low heat. Once they are warm enough, add the sugar and flour mixture and stir until the batter becomes smooth," Tomoe said, expertly guiding the group through the process.

As the Remnant group followed Tomoe's instructions, they were able to master the steps involved in making the Castella. The process was relatively simple, and they were impressed by the results.

"Wow, it's so fluffy and delicate," Coco said, her eyes wide with admiration.

Salem, Glynda, Harriet, and Willow looked on in awe, amazed at the soft, spongy texture.

Anthony watched with a sense of satisfaction as the Remnant group successfully completed the task under Tomoe's guidance. Despite the initial mishap with the fire, they managed to create a delicious-looking Castella cake.

Once the cake was ready, Tomoe showed them how to slice and serve it, explaining the traditional Japanese etiquette associated with the dish.

As they sat down to enjoy their creation, Anthony couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment. Despite the chaos and challenges they faced, they were able to come together and create something special.

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