Chapter 2 - A Horrible Fate

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Time passed, Dorothy was sad, and then she heard some recognizable voices

"Wait! We better make sure." said the first voice she recognized, she realized that it was Scarecrow's voice

"Dorothy, are you in there?" he asked

"It's us!" said another voice, it was Lion's voice

Dorothy ran to the door

"Yes! It's me! She's locked me in!" she said, she knew that her friends came to save her

"Listen, fellas. It's her. We gotta get her out!" said Lion since he listened Dorothy saying that

"Open this door!" He said

"Oh, hurry! Please hurry!" said Dorothy, then she looked at the hourglass running out, and unaware to them, the Wicked Witch was looking at them, and she was ready to release some magic to them

"The hourglass is almost empty!" said Dorothy, since she was even more worried

"Stand back!" said Tin Man, and as he was going to chop on the door, the Wicked Witch released some magic vines

"Get those vines out! Or we won't get Dorothy!" said Scarecrow, since he wanted to get rid of those vines

The hourglass got empty, while Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion got rid of the vines

"No" said Dorothy, she realized that time was up, and the Wicked Witch appeared to her

"The time has come! Say goodbye!" said the Wicked Witch, and with her magic, she took Dorothy's life, Dorothy felt something horrible in her heart, and then she couldn't support it, and she ended up lying dead, and the Wicked Witch claimed the power of the Ruby Slippers, but then, Tin Man was chopping the door, so she decided to hide to make it a surprise, but unaware to her, Dorothy's soul got captured into the Crystal ball

By the time the chop that Tin Man got to open the door, he, Scarecrow, Lion, and Toto ended up meeting a terrible sight.

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