★ Chapter 4 ★

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~[Names] POV~

Since I Had Nothing In Particular I Decided To Call Eight

I Look Around My Room For My Phone And I Eventually Find It

I Then Go Into Contacts And Start Calling Eights Number

~Eights POV~

I Was Busy Vacuuming The House When My Phone Ringed

"Oh?" I Checked The Contact And See That It Was From [Name]

I Picked Up The Call "Hiya [Name] How's It Going?" I Said

"Hey Eight Nothing Much Just That I'm Pretty Bored" [Name] Said On The Other Line

"Oh Okay Say Do You Wanna Hang Out In a Few Minutes?" I Asked [Name]

"Sure I Guess I Don't Really Have Anything To Do Let's Up At The Square I Guess" [Name] Said

"Alright I'll Be There In A Few" I Hung Up The Phone And Finished Vacuuming

After I Was Done I Got My House Keys And Other Necessity I Put On My Shoes

I Then Sent Four A Quick Text Saying I'll Be Out With [Name]

I Opened The Door And Headed Out Making Sure To Lock The Door So No One Breaks In

~At The Square~

I Look Around And I See [Name] I Happily Waved To Them And They Waved Back

"Hey [Name] It's Nice To Talk To You Outside Of Our Agent Duties" I Said

"Heh Yeah It's Nice Anyways Where Should We Go?" [Name] Asked As They Looked At Me

"Ah Let's Go To The Arcade Then" I Said As I Grabbed [Names] Hand And Went To The Arcade (If You Don't Like Being Touched They Just Guided You)

We Arrive At The Arcade And I Went To The Machine That Dispenses The Tokens

After I Got The Tokens I Headed Over To Rose "Alright What Should We Play First?"

"Hmm I Guess Squid Jump" I Nodded And Out The Tokens Into The Squid Jump Machine

The Machine Powered On And It Showed The Squid And Platforms

[Name] Started Playing It As I Watched Them Skillfully Play It

"Wow Your Good At This" I Said In Amazement "Ah Thanks Eight I Played This Game A Bunch Of Times Before"

I Nodded And After Awhile They Beat The Game "Wow Nice Job" I Praised Them

"Mhm Thanks Eight Anyways Let's Continue Playing Some More Games" And So We Played Multiple Different Games In The Arcade

Just As We Were About To Leave The Arcade [Name] Spotted An Claw Machine "Ooh You Wanna Check That Out?" [Name] Said

"Sure I Guess I Mean We Are In No Rush So Sure Why Not" I Said We Head Over To The Claw Machine

There Were Multiple Squid Plushies All In Different Colors

"Oh Hey That One Reminds Me Of You" I Say As I Point To A Squid Plushie With The Same Ink Color As [Name]

"Yeah I Want It" [Name] Said As They Inserted The Coins Into the Claw Machine

In The First Try [Name] Missed The Squid Plushie By A Bit

"Oh Man How About You Try Again?" I Say And [Name] Nods

~Multiple Painful Tries Later~

"Haha Finally Got It!" [Name] Says As They Triumphantly Hold The Squid Plushie

"Yay Great Job [Name!]" I Clap My Hands For [Name]

"Oh It's So Cute Look At It" [Name] Said As They Started Fiddling With The Squid Plushie

"Well It's Getting Late I Better Start Heading Home Before Four Starts Wondering When I'm Gonna Get Home Bye [Name]!" I Say As I Wave Bye To [Name]

"Bye Eight Today Was Very Fun" [Name] Waved Back And I Started Heading Home



Author: Sorry I Tried To Make This Longer But Ehh Sorry If It's Too Short

Anyways Until Next Time Stay Fresh!✌️




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