CHAPTER 14 || Monaco 2017

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That's where Kevin is now. In a bar in Monaco, with the sole aim of drinking to forget.

He drops onto a bar stool and orders 5 shots of vodka to start. He downs it like nothing and orders another one straight away. Sometimes he curses his Danish genes, which cause him to be able to hold a lot of alcohol and take a long time to get really drunk.

The man next to him is also eager to drink. As a German village child, it takes a lot to get really drunk. [We are everywhere hehe 😈]

"What brings two Haas F1 drivers into my bar, who, by the way, get drunk to the point of no return?" The barman asks with interest after a while. Kevin shoots up and turns to the man next to him.

Nico Hulkenberg sits there and drains a glass of whisky. "The race wasn't that great, but what do you expect from a Haas?" The barman sighs.

But since the two drivers don't give him a clear answer, he leaves it. After a while Kevin murmurs, "Come on Nico, we can continue drinking at the hotel. The press department will thank us for it." The German nods and the teammates make their way to the hotel.

"Your room or mine?" Asks number 27. "I still have gin and doppelkorn there." Answers the younger one.

"A German drink?" Asks Nico surprised and the Dane nods. "It's tasty! You make good beer." He just says and open his door.

In the room they just keep drinking until Nico suddenly asks "Why did you say that then?" Kevin asks back "What exactly?" And gets the answer "That I am a failure."

Kevin is silent and the other is about to say something when he explains, "The whole evening went like shit. I said something I worded wrong, you didn't let me explain and on top of that we were both drunk."

"Well, more like completely wasted." The older one says and takes another sip of gin. "I was wasted, for sure." Mumbles Kevin. "Now, explain to me, why you said it." Sighs Hulk.

"When I met you, I saw myself in you to some extent. I-" Nico interrupts him immediately, "But that's not the reason why you hate me, is it?" Kevin looks at him contritely.

"That evening, after the race here in Monaco, I drank so much that I saw exactly me in you. Even your face. Like a mirror." The younger one tries to explain himself and the tall German whispers "You said to yourself that you were a failure, not to me." Kevin nods and takes a sip of his beer.

"When I came to Formula One, I saw myself in you. Or more, the things that were wrong with me and right with you. Your family, except maybe your brother Johannes, but especially how you dealt with problems. The same problems that worried me, you turned into an advantage."

"Kevin. Listen to me for once, please. I had a long conversation with Valtteri the other day. Same with Mick. The difference why you hate me is because I have a functional family. My parents love me, my sister too and I've learned to ignore my brother. Your father never wanted you. He loves your younger brother more. He raised you mercilessly and without love, while showering Luca with his love. His love for you. That's not fair. You don't hate me, you hate them. And that's okay, because you have a new family. Us. The drivers."

Tears come to Kevin's eyes. "I can't do all this any more. My father doesn't allow me to come home anymore and I have no contact with most of the drivers. How could I when the only thing I've been taught is that the other riders are your enemies. Not just rivals, but enemies."

"You have me. And you can't get rid of me. Even if you want to. I'll always be by your side, no matter what." Nico smiles warmly.

Kevin sobs and simply wraps his arms around the other. Nico holds the crying man tightly in his arms and lies down awkwardly. Kevin buries his face in the crook of Nico's neck and whispers without context "My parents are homophobes." Nico sighs and murmurs "Mine too, but that's why we have the drivers. And tomorrow we'll win the Padel Cup first!"

"Godnat, min ven." Mumbles Kevin and Nico whispers "Gute Nacht, mein tapferer Freund!" back. [Good night my friend. || Good night my brave friend.]


Next one :)

Yep, I will write the next hour more chapters because I'm on a class trip next week. In Berlin.

The padel cup will be updated today and yeah, we will see what comes next.

Congrats to Red Bull Racing for winning the construction world championship!

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