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A house is not a home. A home is not a place it's a feeling. For Aditya his home was his wife Ragini. She is his peace , his solace , his bliss.  And surely someone had taken away all these from him.

Unable to endure the pain of absence of his wife. The guilt that she is dragged into all this because of him. The piercing silence of his house had dragged him to the crowd of the police station.

He was still pacing here and there when a phone call halted his steps. Rahul was silently watching him. He picked up the call in the anticipation that may be there is something related his wife.

"Are you enjoying your days in Mumbai SP Aditya Malhotra." He couldn't comprehend the voice.

"Who are you??"

"Tch tch tch. Asking me who am I? I expected better SP Aditya."

Her eyes widened in realization.

"Spade Ace," he whispered. Rahul eyes popped up. He run to trace the call location.

He heard a smirk. "Correct. So what I have heard about you are all correct. You are really appreciatable."

Aditya stumped the table in front of him with his fist. His blood boiled were in anger.

"MotherFucker, bastard what the hell you want from me???" He yelled.

"Cool down officer. And behave. Don't forget your most precious thing or I would say the love of your life is with me. Behave if you don't want to cry seeing her body full of bloodstream," he warned.

Aditya's knees gave up. All his hope drained with a lone tear. He stumped and fell on the floor. The single ray of hope that may be she is safe vanished. His brain some how knew this but his heart did not wanted to except the fact.

Sometime our heart take time to except a truth which our brain already knows.

"What do you want? I am ready to give you anything," he said with a breaking voice.

"Not like this SP. Well I say there is a time for everything. So wait for the right time," he said. Only Aditya could hear was the beep sound that showed that the call is disconnected.

"We tried but we couldn't trace his location." Rahul said in a neutral voice.

But it didn't worked neutral for Aditya. He furiously pulled the table cloth making a yelling voice. Everything broke into different pieces. Just like his hope.


Ragini was still surrounded by those men. She stood up.

"Leave me. Let me go "she whispered in a breaking voice "I SAID LET ME GO," she yelled while tears fell from her eyes.

But suddenly their was a change of atmosphere. Even the leaves and owl were still. The night was silent. A deadly silence. For one of the most fatal person.
The men one by one took a few steps back for their master.

A man appeared infront of her. He was wearing a black mask which was covering his face. He was wearing a black leather jacket and pants. His body was fully covered. He was totally unrecognizable.

In the darkest night stood the devil in black. She didn't knew him but surely for her he was just the devil who is thirsty for her blood, her life. He was the devil who had appeared on the earth. He indeed was the devil because Spade Ace means death .

And he was Ragini's death.

Ragini had became breathless. Her blue hazel eyes meet with his scalding onyx eyes.

He gazed deeply into her soul. He could easily find loyalty, emotions of fear and love filled in her eyes. But she was unable to find anything in the onyx ocean. It was a dark mystery.

"You are the person who was living in the dark till now," she said getting up with struggle.

He smirked evilly.
"You are wrong. I don't live in darkness. Darkness lives inside me."

" Let me go," she yelled and run pushing many people in one inhale.

But she stopped as she was on the brink. She turned to find the same man standing crossing his arms around his torso with ease.

"Run as much as you want. But save some energy to travel to the hell," he said in a deep yet scary tone.

"I haven't done anything. Why am I dragged in all this. Have some mercy." She begged still her eyes with tears.

"Mercy is the quality of heroes. And I am the villain of this story." He took some predators steps towards her. In return she took some back step.

"You are going to die in a few time. I am standing here as your death. And if you don't want that you have to do a work for me."

"If I die then my husband will not leave you alive," she said rooted on her place.

"Your husband can't do anything Mrs Malhotra. Death will never come to me because I am death myself." He roared making her shiver.

"If I will die then I will die by my own not in the hands of a monster like you," she said in a breaking voice.

Within a minute she closed her eyes and jumped off from the cliff.

Don't worry it's not the end. 😉

                            A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR


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