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It has been 2 weeks from that incident. Ragini and Vansh didn't faced eachother. Her voice was not audible in the mansion. She never comes out from her room.

Her voice, her rants, her curses, her argument, her protest everything was missing. Ragini was reliefed because she did not had to hear Vansh's voice.

Even if their rooms were just infront of each other's they did not encountered in their ways.

It was a dark, gloomy night. Ragini after almost 14 days came out from her room. Sharda had already informed that Vansh will not come.

She went towards the wide window and stood there. It was raining cats and dogs. The rain splashed on her face. Just then the clock ticked 12. She glanced at the clock and saw the time and date.

11th September.

"Thank you for coming into my ife Adi. Thank you for giving this orphan a home. Thank you for being my home." She breathe out and kissed her engagement ring.

"I can never forget this day. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you more than my life Adi. I hope this rain is also touching you. May this rain become my touch and touch you. I miss you. A lot," she said and went to her memory land.

Aditya pulled her from the auto.

"Adi. What are you doing? Atleast tell me where are we going." She pleaded.

"Shut up and walk." He pecked her lips and held her hand. Just a peck was enough for her to evoke thousands of butterflies.

After a while they reached the same garden they use to come often. The rose garden. A smile crept on her face. Aditya pulled her in the middle of the garden. She started touching the flowers.

"Adi...." She turned to say something but stopped. Aditya was on his knees.

"Innu I have never understood your novels at first. I never understood how can people fall in love and can be ready to sacrifice anything even life for someone but I understood when I fell for you. I love you Innu more than anything and everything. I know you can get anyone you want. You.. you are so beautiful that I am afraid may be I am not worth you. You can get anyone but you can never get someone who loves you like l do. Maybe I am sounding self obsessed but trust me I love you so much  that I can't explain... even in this world in any language their is no word that can express the amount of love I have for you."

He breathed out.

"I love you Innu. I always did! Still do! Will always do. And no matter what happen my love will never fade. I will always love you more and more."

"Marry me Innu." He sighed. Ragini's eyes become teary hearing those words. She had waited from a eternity to hear those words.

"Will you marry me. Would you like to be Ragini Aditya Malhotra?" he asked placing a kiss on her knuckles.

She chuckled through her tears and nodded "Yes". He slided the ring in her finger and got up and kissed her.

She hugged him. "Can I stay like this for a little longer?" she asked snuggling into him.

"You can stay like this forever," he said kissing her head.

"Oyee I have delivered this long speech now utter those three magical words to me." She chuckled at him.

"Okay. Your my home," she said and slammed her lips on his.

A tear rolled down as she remembered the day. From where to where she had came. She forwarded her hand to expose it to rain. She wanted to wash away all her pain. The rain to be her medicine. But no one had made any medicine for the pain of heart. Her heart was in so much pain that it felt like it would burst. She didn't knew how much her heart can hold.

Nobody nor even poets have ever measured how much a heart can hold.

Just then a man entered the hall. His eyes laid on a ethereal scenario. A lady in white standing leaning on the window. Her locks swinging in the air. She was looking like a fallen fairly.

He took some steps and stood beside her. She didn't realized that someone has intruded into her blissful movement.

Vansh cleared his throat making her starled.

"I see you are very silent now a days. No rants, no curses, no complains. Empressed." He tried to play being a devil.

She chuckled humorlessly.

"Kal raat apne sare gam, sari sikayat uss asmaan ko suna diya tha. Aaj mein chup hu aur yeh asmaan baarsh raha hai," she said chuckling more.

(Last night I told all my sorrows to the sky, today I am silent and this sky is raining.)

"What?" He did not got what she was saying.

"Chodo. A rapist like you can never get it." She shrugged but only he got stucked to the word 'rapist'.  His rage was ready to burst his veins.

(Leave it)

"I AM NOT A RAPIST." He yelled breaking the vase.

"Of course. A theif never says that he have burglared," she said meeting his eyes.

"Shut Up."

"Why would I? You are rapist. You never loved Anaya. If you would have ever loved her you would have understood love but you never did. You killed her." She declared.

"That does not make me a rapist." He growled.

"Sure but the reports makes you. You raped her and killed her. Don't say you haven't killed her. No one will dare to touch 'The great Vansh Raguvanshi's girlfriend' except him." Vansh remained silent. He didn't knew what to say.

She smiled through her tears "Your silence proves you deeds. Tell me something you have also raped Satvika na."

Vansh's blood boiled at her words. He clenched his jaw. The furiousness reached his eyes. His eyes were blood shot red in anger.

"SHUT UP. I CAN NEVER DO THAT TO ANY WOMAN. AND SATVIKA DI IS MY SISTER." He stumped his fist on the wall that his knuckles started bleeding.

                            A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR


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