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                       RAGINI MALHOTRA

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                       RAGINI MALHOTRA

My eyes opened slightly. Everything was blurry as the rays prieced on my eye lids. I struggled to get up. My eyes drooled all over the place. I realized that I was in the hall. How did I end up here?!


His wrath

He threatened me

My Adi

"Adi." A whispered left my mouth.

"Finally you got up princess." His harsh voice encroached. Due to  his voice I started shivering like a dried leaf. I was so frightened that I could not even gather my courage to meet his eyes.

"Go to your room." He ordered. I stood up and pursued his orders. I hate myself for being so weak. Why God? Why you did this to me?

After taking a bath I sat on the bed. Each and every bloody scene was replaying continuously infront of my eyes. Each memory was causing shivers to my core.

"Ragini come out." Sharda ji knocked.

My hands became sweaty only by the thought of going out. Going out means facing that monster. But I didn't want to face his warth.I can't face his wrath. Why I am so weak?

I slowly came out. As I was going I noticed something. The whole mansion was cleaned. Not a single shread of blood was visible. The whole place was clean like nothing had ever happened there.

Probably this is how these worthless monsters work. What double faced bastards they are.

"Innu." A soft yet needy voice soothed my ears. Adi? He is here?

I turned to find my heart standing.

"Am I dreaming?" I found myself asking.

He chuckled. And came towards me. He held my hand and kissed gently on my knuckles.

My eyes met with my solace. My bliss. My life. My Adi.

His eyes softened. He closed his arms safeguarding me from the world. Hiding me from the darkness. The warmth of Adi makes me forget all my pain, all distress.
We broke the hug. He held my face and kissed my forehead. I chuckled through my tears and a lone tear escaped from his eyes. 
He tugged my strands behind my eyes.

Oh! I can never get enough of this man.

"My Innu." He again kissed my forehead. He gently whipped my tears.

He caressed my cheeks and the bags under my eyes.

"Are you taking your food properly? Why you seem so weak? God Innu because of me I can't see the spark in your eyes.. "

Before he could complete I slammed my lips on his. He sucked my lips very gently and I kissed him back.

"Oh hello." A voice made us break the kiss. We breath heavily. That breathless kiss gave my breath back.

I turned to find that monster standing with his red wine glass.

"Mr and Mrs Malhotra. It's my home not a oyo in case you forget." How much I want to punch him!!

"You see AM, today I let you in but in case you forgot your wife is under captivated by ruthless murderers. So you can't meet her and if you come here again I don't have to say what the consequences will be." He went and sat on the couch. For anyone it would be just some mere warning but hearing this from Vansh Raguvanshi's mouth was as fatal as venom.

Adi cleared his throat. "I am here as a officer in duty. I want to ask you something about some case." He informed and that monster nodded and gestured him to sit.

Adi sat and I was behind him.

"Do you know any Satvika Jairaj?"

"No." Although that monster denied his eyes flickered a bit.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," That monster said with ease. He took out his phone and started doing something.  What a fucker.

"We will see that. Do you know Anaya kapoor or she is also someone like Satvika to you." I could clearly sense of sarcasm in his voice.

"No. I knew her," He answered still his eyes were on the phone.


"She was my fucking partner." What? What is this language?

"What?" Adi uttered in disgust.

"My girlfriend. That girl was my girlfriend." He crossed his legs. Did he just said 'That girl'. How can  someone be so disgusting. Even that day he disrespected correction humiliated Sharda mausi who is atleast a decade older than him. And now he is so disrespectful to the girl who was once in his life. This fucker don't respect anyone not even women.

"So why did you killed her?" Adi asked making my eyes pop.

"I didn't. This case is closed and it is proven that I am not guilty." How can this man be so composed?

"Yes you didn't killed her but raped her." I could see Adi's fist curl in anger.

"No I didn't."

"Then how your sperm sample were found inside her body?" Adi stumped his fist on the table so hard that I flinched. But that man did not even flickered.

"AM. She was my girlfriend. She use to heat my bed every day. So I don't have to explain how you found it. Moreover I don't have to rape someone to get them on my bed. Everyone sleeps with me being obliged. It's not my fault that I am so charming." He shrugged. I was feeling like vomiting on his face. I so wanted to give him a tight slap.

"MotherFucker. If you even dare you mistreat my wife I will make sure to drag you died on your dirty bed." Adi's eyes were red due to anger. A smirk crept on his face.

"I am a criminal but I have my own ethics. I don't  lay my eyes on taken property's."

Is he really a rapist? Am I sharing a roof with a rapist? The thought of it crept disgust inside my skin.

I don't know what actually he is but the only thing I knew was my hatred was growing more and more with each growing second. Ahhh! I just want to burn this man.


                            A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR

I know it's a long time but I had my exams so can't help it. Hope you enjoy.


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