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Horrible things happens to strong people because God knows they are capable of handling it. But sometimes this things can break someone to that extent that they can never mend.

Minutes became hours she was still in that motionless, hopeless position.

What mistake she has committed in her life that she is not? Which sins punishment is she getting? She asked herself. But she didn't knew the reason.

Her red eyes drooled around the darkness and found no one.

She slided to the corner and sat there taking the support of a pillar. She clutched her knees to her stomach anxiously and rested her forehead on her knees.

Till tomorrow she was leading a blissful life with her husband dreaming about a colorful life but now she is captivated in the black walls.

There isn't darker place than our thought, the moonless midnight of mind. She was stuck in a fatal place.

She came out from the daze as a assuring hand patted on her shoulder. She starled. But her eyes met with a angel. A woman of around 50 years standing with a warmth smile. She had wore a pale yellow saree and had her hairs pinned in a perfect bun.

"I am Sharda. I am the only house help in this house. I was informed that you will stay here. So I will be taking care of you." She said holding that smile.

Is she actually good or it's also facade? She thought.

"Come on. I will show you the room." Sharda offered forwarding her hand. Taking Sharda's support she climbed up the huge black stairs.

After a while Sharda opened a black door. Ragini stepped inside the room. The room was a giant one. It's wall were painted in the colour of off black. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room. There wblack couch in one side and a glass sandal was hanging on the roof. Apart from that there was a mahogany study table beside the huge window.

"You will stay here. I will arrange your belongings," Sharda said opening the curtains of the window.

"I don't want to stay here. I want a small room," she complained.

What's the need of this big room? I can stay in a small one. She thought.

"And what made you think you are in a vacation?" A deep voice came from outside. She turned to find Vansh standing outside the room in same kind of black attire.

"We are not here to accomplish your WANT. Don't forget you are kidnapped and I am your kidnapper.You will stay where I want. You will do what I want. You will talk when I want and even breathe when I want," Vansh snarled meeting her red charcoal eyes.

Ragini was silent. She did not knew what to say. She wanted to fight, she wanted to protest but the truth was Vansh was correct and she could not do anything about it.

"Don't do anything stupid. You are looking outside," he gestured outside the window where she found hundreds of men roaming "they will not think twice before shooting you. So don't even think of running. Am I clear?" he asked in a low voice.

She choose to rebel and glare at him.
"AM I FUCKING CLEAR?" He yelled due to which she flickered and nodded.

"WORDS." He once again yelled.


He marched outside the room. Her tears raced down her eyes.

"If you want anything just don't hesitate to call me," Sharda said and went outside.

Ragini in no time went inside the washroom. She opened the shower and stood under it. The water mingled with her tears. The water washed the dirt and mud on her body.

"May this water would also wash my pain and wound. Or I would be like this water ever flowing without any bondage" She thought.

However the truth was she was now caged for a unascertained time in Vansh Raguvanshi's golden, blooded cage.


Rahul was sitting next to Aditya in the hospital bed. Aditya was silent all the time.

When he was coming back from  Raguvanshi Mansion in the middle of the road he without saying anything walked out of the car. He stood infront of a truck. Luckily the constable saved him.

"AM. What is going on? I am asking you for the last time," he asked him for the fifth time about why did he stood infront of the truck but got no response.

"AM atleast tell me where is Ragini?"

"I failed Rahul as a police officer, as a husband," Aditya said in a breaking voice.


"Vansh Raguvanshi will not leave her until I give him what he wants. I hate myself because I could not do anything. I have to win. I wager my love,my life. I can't afford to lose." He whipped his tears.

                        A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR

In return mujhe bhi hii bolo.😤🤭 By the way are you enjoying the novel??

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