Don't worry your mom
.Five steps in and you must be wondering: "Izuku, if the other students are making your life a living hell, why not tell your mother? She is your own flesh and blood, she has to believe that you are getting bullied!". Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think that the time has come for a little backstory on the 'Midoriya family'.
May you fasten your seatbelts please, because we are about to go down a trip through my messed up memory lane! Yay!
Now, one thing I want to make ABSOLUTELY clear before continuing is that my mom is a great mom. She is the most wonderful person that has ever come to my life, which, coming from me, doesn't really sound all that amazing, if I wanna be honest. But believe me, she is awesome. She is the most carrying mom out there, willing to do whatever it took to support her child and I love her for that.
Now, growing up, it had always been me and her. Dad left us very early on, supposedly to go somewhere overseas to work under a company offering him a very generous salary. Mom had said he had promised to be back in a year or two, yet he always just kept on delaying the date until she stopped asking.
I have no memories of him. After all, I was still a baby when he packed up and left. I had only ever heard his voice through the phone, or had been shown pictures of him when mom and dad were still young. I have heard some stories of how he used to play with me. He would throw me into the air and then catch me, something that I apparently enjoyed a lot. Pity I don't recall it.
Even from far away, he never stopped trying to support us financially, which in my opinion is the least he could do when the only times we got to communicate with him was on Christmas and on my birthday. A check would get anonymously deposited every month to my mother's bank account and from there on, she would try to make do with the combination of that money and whatever she was able to make working through that period.
We weren't poor. I never missed anything. But I have to thank my mom for that, who worked day and night on more than one jobs trying to make sure we could get through another month well fed. She just always seemed to sacrifice everything for her only son. Always doing whatever she could to support her only son's dreams. Trying to keep what was left of her family from falling apart. And I respect her for that.
From the moment I was old enough to start to realize our situation, I tried to help my mom as much as I could. Working two jobs left her exhausted, so I tried to take upon myself as many of the house chores as I could. Just doing whatever I could so that when she came home, the only thing she would have to worry about was to get some rest. Whenever that time may be ...
...I'd hate to admit it, but, the older I got, the less I saw my mother. Seeing as I was becoming more responsible, she would spend more hours at her job, trusting me to be good and not cause any problems while she was away. And, in a way, it hurt me to be alone. But, I understood why she needed to do that. As I have said before, all she wanted was for me to have whatever I may need. She would have given me the world if she could. Guess I never told that the only thing I really wanted was her with me.
Moving on now, my diagnosis as quirkless is a touchy subject in my family. We always kind of just dance around the matter. We never talk about it directly. Never mention it to anyone outside. And of course we have never started a conversation about what would that mean for us. Or maybe, for me most specifically.
Truth is, quirklessness is a subject that no parent is prepared on how to explain to a child. And, that is, because if it's so rare as it is claimed to be, then their child would probably never meet anyone like me. So, why bother trying really? Why ruin a child's dream of a perfect superhuman society by telling them about the defects that resign in it.

Izuku's guide on how to survive middle school
FanfictionAfter another horrible day in school, Izuku decides to create a list with all the rules he must follow in order to survive middle school. ____________________________________________ This fanfiction is written for entertainment purposes only. Please...