Step 6

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I made some friends!

Alright, I know how that sounds. But, it's actually true!

I, Izuku Midoriya, the school's biggest outcast have managed to somehow hold a decent interaction with another human being. Big shocker.

Though, if I wanna be honest, I wasn't the one who initiated the conversation, but rather my three classmates that came and sat with me at lunch. No one has ever done that before! Usually people tend to avoid me like the plague, except of course if they want something out of me. BUT they didn't!

They just hang out with me. One moment, we were eating in silence and the next, one of them starts a conversation with me and soon all of them got involved. It was really amazing!

May I add here that this wasn't the first time I have ever seen these teens. We are from the same class after all. They are some of the quiet kids, mostly keeping to themselves, not talking much. We had never really talked before, but I guess there really is a first time for everything. We hit it off almost immediately and for the rest of the day, we stayed together.

I haven't had such a perfect day in a long while. I have missed it. Being a normal teen for once. Not having to worry about what other people think. Not having to hide every time a student comes around the corner or a teacher gets out of a classroom. Those three kids seem to have come when I needed them the most and completely changed the way my life was going.

They know I am quirkless. Of course they know. Everyone knows. But, for once in my life, it would appear that I was right at something. There are indeed students in my school that don't agree with the bullies way of disciplining me. There are students who see me as a human being too. Someone with dreams. A person with a brain of their own, worth taking account of.

They even apologized to me! I couldn't believe it!

This was the first time anyone my age had come and openly apologized to me.

And..., it felt good. I felt as if I could breath again.

They explained how they were afraid of standing up to me. How they thought other people would start to bully them too. But, as time passed, they started to understand how the other students cruelty just kept on growing. They noticed how everyday, I would get out of class with more bruises than when I entered. How my smile slowly faded into nothing as my eyes lost their gleam. I was slowly dying and yet no one had cared.

So, god sent them into my life. Those wonderful people. My new friends. True friends that don't hit me, or ignore me, or insult me until I feel more worthless than a squashed worm. I couldn't believe how many interests we shared! I had my chance to actually prove that I was a normal teen, not that defect that everyone sees in me. And they appreciated that new Izuku they got to know. They real Izuku.

My true self that I had thought I had lost somewhere in the process. It was still here. It never left me.


I thought it had left me. But they found him and brought him back. And I am SO thankful for that. I owe them so much and I have only known them for a day! They changed the way my life is going in just a day!

I know that for the majority of you reading this, what I'm saying may sound as nonsense. 'Your life turned around in just one day? Impossible! After all these years of bullying, all it took was just some friends to cure you?'

Izuku's guide on how to survive middle school Where stories live. Discover now