chapter 17 |lies|

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|Shadow's POV|

The roar of my motorcycle echoed through the streets as I sped away from the beach, my heart heavy with determination. I couldn't let Sonic remain in Scourge's clutches, not when I knew the fear and manipulation that bound him.

I knew that Scourge was unpredictable and dangerous, but I was willing to face whatever challenges lay ahead to rescue Sonic. With each passing moment, my love for him grew stronger, an unwavering force that pushed me forward.

I began my search by contacting Silver, hoping that he might have some insights into Scourge's hideouts or the places he frequented. The connection between cousins could be a valuable lead, and Silver agreed to help.

We scoured the city, following leads and tracking down Scourge's known associates. It was a race against time, and my heart raced with each passing minute. I couldn't rest until I had Sonic back in my arms, safe and free.

|Sonic's POV|

Scourge's anger was palpable as I sat in the car next to him, my heart heavy with dread. He glanced at me with a menacing smirk before turning his attention back to the road.

"We're leaving this city, Sonic," he declared, his voice filled with a chilling determination. "We're going far away, where no one can interfere with us."

I nodded silently, unable to find my voice. The weight of Scourge's secret, the truth he held over me, had become an unbearable burden. It was the very secret that had forced me into this relationship, a dark and controlling force that had kept me by his side.

As we drove further away from the city, I couldn't help but cast a longing glance back, hoping against hope that Shadow would somehow find a way to rescue me from this nightmare. My heart ached for the love I had left behind, for the freedom I had once tasted.

But for now, I was trapped in Scourge's car, heading toward an uncertain future, leaving behind the love I had only just begun to rediscover

|3rd person POV|

since the party, and there was no sign of Sonic. Tails, Knuckles, and Amy were growing increasingly worried. They had tried calling him, messaging him, and visiting his apartment, but there was no response.

Finally, they decided to call Scourge, hoping he might have some information. When the call connected, they could hear Sonic's voice on the other end, but it was strained, distant.

"Sonic, where have you been? We've been so worried!" Tails exclaimed.

Scourge's voice came through, his tone cold and dismissive. "Sonic doesn't want to see you losers anymore. He's moved on."

Tails and the others exchanged worried glances. Something didn't feel right, but they couldn't quite put their fingers on it. Sonic had always been close to them, and this sudden change in attitude didn't make sense.

"Sonic, is that true?" Amy asked, her voice filled with concern.

For a moment, sonic hesitated, the weight of Scourge's secret bearing down on him. Then, with a heavy heart, sonic replied, "Yeah, guys. I... I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore."

Tails, Knuckles, and Amy were left speechless, their worry deepening. They exchanged another glance, a silent promise to get to the bottom of this

As the call ended, a heavy silence filled the car. Scourge cast a triumphant grin in sonic's direction, satisfied that he had forced sonic to play along with his lie. But inside, the blue hedgehog felt a profound sense of loss.

Sonic had pushed away the friends who cared about him, forced to lie to protect the secret that Scourge held over him. As the car continued its journey to an unknown destination, sonic couldn't help but wonder if I
He would ever find a way back to the life and love he had left behind.


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