chapter 22 |danger|

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|Sonic's POV|

As I reluctantly agreed to stay a little longer, Jack's demeanor shifted from desperation to relief. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of my stomach, but I tried to push it aside, focusing on the hope that I would find a way out soon.

We sat down to breakfast, and despite my apprehension, I found myself enjoying the food. Jack was a good cook, and his company was pleasant enough when he wasn't acting strangely. But as we ate, my mind kept drifting back to my friends and Shadow, wondering if they were still searching for me.

After breakfast, Jack suggested showing me around the area, and I reluctantly agreed. We walked through the nearby town, Jack pointing out various landmarks and introducing me to the few villagers we encountered. But I couldn't shake the feeling of isolation, surrounded by people who spoke a language I couldn't understand.

As we returned to the cabin, Jack began preparing lunch while I excused myself to the bathroom. But instead of heading to the bathroom, I made my way to Jack's room, hoping to find a map or some other clue that could lead me out of the forest.

I searched frantically through drawers and cabinets, my heart pounding in my chest. And then, I found it – a map tucked away in a drawer, outlining the surrounding area in detail. Relief flooded through me as I studied the map, plotting a route that would take me back to civilization.

But before I could make a move, the sound of footsteps in the hallway made me freeze. I turned to see Jack standing in the doorway, his expression dark and furious. "What are you doing in here, Sonic?" he demanded, his voice cold and threatening.

Caught red-handed, I stammered for an explanation, my mind racing for a plausible excuse. "I... I was just... uh... looking for some extra towels," I lied, my voice trembling with fear.

But Jack wasn't buying it. He strode across the room and grabbed my wrist, his grip tight and painful. "Don't lie to me, Sonic," he growled, his eyes blazing with anger. "You were trying to escape, weren't you? You think you can just walk out of here and leave me all alone?"

Panic surged through me as I struggled to break free from his grasp. "Let me go, Jack," I pleaded, my voice desperate. "I just want to go home. Please, don't do anything rash."

But Jack's grip only tightened, his face contorted with rage. "You're not going anywhere, Sonic," he snarled, his voice dripping with malice. "You're my friend now, and you're not leaving this cabin alive."

Terror consumed me as I realized the depth of Jack's madness from how long he's been isolated. I had to think fast if I wanted to escape this nightmare alive. With a surge of adrenaline, I lashed out, kicking Jack in the shin and breaking free from his grasp.

I bolted out of the room, my heart pounding in my chest as I raced towards the front door. But before I could reach safety, Jack lunged at me, grabbing hold of my ankle and sending me crashing to the floor.

Pain exploded through my body as I hit the ground, but I refused to give up. With every ounce of strength I had left, I fought back, kicking and clawing at Jack with all my might. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, I managed to break free once again.

Ignoring the pain, I scrambled to my feet and raced towards the door, throwing it open and sprinting into the forest. Behind me, I could hear Jack's enraged shouts echoing through the trees, but I didn't dare look back.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, the fear and adrenaline pushing me forward. I didn't stop until I was far away from the cabin, my lungs burning and my heart pounding in my chest. Only then did I allow myself to collapse to the ground, tears of relief streaming down my face.

But even as I lay there, gasping for breath, I knew that my ordeal was far from over. Jack was still out there, somewhere in the forest, waiting to exact his revenge. And scourge is still out there looking for me. I had to find a way back to shadow and my friends,

But for now, all I could do was catch my breath and hope both of them wont find me yet


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