chapter 23 |what a dream|

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|Shadow's POV|

Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I sat on the stairs of our old house, cradling the framed photo of Sonic in my arms. The memories of our past life flooded my mind, mixing with the fear and desperation of the present. Unable to fight off sleep any longer, I succumbed to the fatigue, drifting off into a restless slumber.

I found myself on the familiar shores of the beach where Sonic and I had spent countless hours together in our past life. But this time, Sonic was by my side, his presence a comforting presence amidst the crashing waves.

"Sonic," I murmured, reaching out to touch him, relief flooding through me at the sight of him safe and sound.

He turned to me, concern etched on his features. "Shadow, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," he said jokingly but with concern.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I pulled him into a tight embrace, unable to find the words to express the overwhelming emotions coursing through me. "I thought I lost you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. It was all just a dream, a nightmare none of that really happened

But Sonic just laughed, his arms wrapping around me in return. "You'll never lose me, Shadow. We're in this together, remember?" he said, his voice filled with love and reassurance.

Relief flooded through me as I buried my face in his shoulder, holding onto him as if my life depended on it. And as I held him close, the weight of the nightmare began to lift, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.

I saw our old friends, their familiar faces bringing a sense of joy and warmth to my heart. Vector, espio, and our other friends – they were all there, smiling and laughing playing on the water as if nothing had ever happened.

I looked around in wonder,
"What's the date today?" I asked

Sonic grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It's September 3 1983, i think you're getting old how can you forget the date today" he said, his tone playful.

my heart skipped a beat. It was the same day that we had drowned in the beach. the weight of our mistakes from my 'dream' pressed down on me,

Panic surged through me as I looked out at the ocean, the waves crashing against the shore with a deafening roar. "We have to get out of here, Sonic," I said urgently, my voice tinged with fear.

Sonic looked at me in confusion, but I didn't wait for an explanation. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the beach, desperate to escape the nightmare that threatened to consume us once again.

As we reached our room at the resort, I collapsed onto the couch, gasping for breath. Sonic sat beside me, concern etched on his features. "What's wrong, Shadow? Why are you so afraid?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

But I couldn't find the words to explain. The fear and trauma of that 'dream' still lingered in my mind, haunting me like a ghost. All I could do was hold onto Sonic and pray that we would never have to face that nightmare.

After a while, I managed to compose myself, pushing aside the 'dream'. "Let's forget about all that for now," I said, forcing a smile. "How about we have a barbecue again for dinner? I'll cook for you."

Sonic's eyes lit up at the suggestion, his smile bright and infectious. "That sounds great, Shadow. I'll help you however I can," he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

We spent the rest of the day cooking and eating, enjoying each other's company and reveling in the simple pleasures of life. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.


I just wanted to point out that the date sonic said is the same date as the first chapter (chapter 1 beach day) was first published :D, the day it was published was September 3 2023 and the date sonic said was September 3 1983 "sea" what i did there (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

The sea joke might be cringe but meh, thank you again for reading and supporting my work i really didn't expect anyone to read my stories (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


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