chapter 26 |GUN|

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For those who had already read chapter 26 forget that chapter, i realized it didn't made enough sense i guess and i thought of a better plot so i rewrote half of this chapter


|Shadow's POV|

we managed to slip out of the hospital undetected and make our way to his car. Despite my weakened state, every fiber of my being was focused on reaching Sonic, no matter the cost. As Silver drove us towards Russia, my mind raced with a mix of determination and apprehension.

Hours later, we arrived at Scourge's warehouse. Ignoring the protests of my exhausted body, I forced myself to break down the door, driven by a fierce urgency to find Sonic.

As we stormed into the warehouse, my heart pounded with a mix of anger and worry. Scourge stood before us, a smirk playing on his lips as he taunted us with his presence. But I wasn't interested in his games - all I cared about was finding Sonic.

Without hesitation, I lunged at Scourge, overwhelmed by anger and desperation. I gripped his neck tightly, my hands trembling with rage as I demanded to know Sonic's whereabouts.

"Where is he, Scourge!?" I growled, my voice laced with fury. "What have you done with Sonic!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Shadow," he sneered. "Your precious Sonic managed to escape before I could get my hands on him."

But I refused to believe him. The thought of Sonic out there alone, in the clutches of a madman like Scourge, filled me with a cold dread. I continued to press him for answers, my grip tightening with every passing second.

As Scourge continued to deny any involvement, my anger reached a boiling point. In a moment of blind fury, I noticed a gun tucked in Scourge's pocket. Without a second thought, I snatched it from him, pointing it directly at his head.

"Tell me the truth, Scourge," I demanded, my voice low and menacing. "Or I swear, I'll end you right here and now.!" I growled "i am telling the truth" scourge answered

My hand trembled as I pointed the gun at Scourge's head, the weight of my fury and desperation bearing down on me like a heavy burden. But before I could pull the trigger, Silver's voice cut through the chaos, his grip firm as he pulled me away from Scourge.

"Shadow, stop!" Silver pleaded, his voice filled with urgency. "You can't do this. He's still my family, no matter what he's done."

I shook off Silver's grip, my rage burning like a wildfire. "He's a monster, and he needs to pay for what he's done"

Scourge's smirk widened at my words, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Looks like your little friend has quite the temper," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But no matter what you do to me, you'll never get an answer. He's probably long gone by now."

Every fiber of my being urged me to pull the trigger, to rid the world of this vile creature once and for all. But Silver insisted on calling the police instead

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth, my voice laced with bitterness. "But mark my words, Scourge. If you've harmed so much as a quill on Sonic's head, I won't hesitate to finish what I've started."

turned away from Scourge, my fists clenched in helpless fury. Despite my best efforts, Sonic was still out there, somewhere in the clutches of darkness. I sat down at a chair near by at the warehouse as silver made the call to the police


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