Chapter 15: Pax Prime

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(Sorry for the short updates guys, I've been sick for a week and a sucks ass, also I looked at my Q & A because I updated it, my new update didn't show so if it did for y'all tell me mkay? Well get ready for a surprise in this update, bye for now my smexy turtles ;) )

Vanoss's pov:

(Y/N) and I finally got to our hotel room after six long hours of plane time to get to Pax Prime, (Y/N) left to have a girls night with Ray,Mae, and Emily. Mya couldn't come because she is six months pregnant and couldn't be on a plane, Craig stayed at home with her. I plop down on the bed and sigh, i hear a hard knock on my door,"Who is it!" "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE." I smile,"Come on in Delirious." he opens the door and pops in, he was wearing his mask but it was crooked, he adjusts it. He then happily closed the door, he ran and jumped on my bed making me roll out of the way. "What's crackin homie?" I chuckle and look down at the small black box in my hands, Delirious looks over my shoulder. "Oh, so thats why you're so anxious and tense..." i nod and he pats me on the shoulder," If i made it through with that then you can too!" I smile and give him a bro hug in appreciation." How are Ray and the little girls?" Delirious's eyes glow with affection as he reports them all to be fine and happy,"We left Allie and Karyll with Mya and Craig, the girls both love Uncle Craig and Auntie Mya!" We hang out in the hotel room and watch tv until we hear a knock on the door, i quickly hide the small box and get up to answer the door. The next thing i know is I fell on my ass  and Delirious grabbed the door knob and opened it before falling on his face, erm, mask. Ray and (Y/N) walk in and start to laugh at us,"HAHAHA Y'ALL ARE SOME DUMB ASSES HAHAHA!" Delirious glares at her playfully as (Y/N) walks over to me and helps me get up, she dusts me off and pecks my cheek, I put a goofy smile and my face and pick her up putting her legs around my waist. I put my forehead on hers and rub my nose on hers, she giggles and Delirious clears his throat,"Ray and i are goin to our hotel room, we'll leave y'all to your fun." He winks, Ray rolls her eyes and grabs his arm to drag him away. They both wave and close the door, i look back at (Y/N) who's cheeks were red. I smirk and toss her on the bed. She squeaks as i crawl ontop of her,"Your adorable, you know that (Y/N)?" She smiles and flips me over to where she was on top of me, I grunt as she kissed me softly,"And your my fuck buddy." I smile and start to kiss her passionately.

~La time skip, first day of Pax Prime brought to you by CheeryPoptartGamer~

Your pov:

Me and Ray were jumping around on the Elevator making Evan grab onto the handles and causing Delirious to laugh. The elevator doors open up, Ray and i dash out and go to the car. We wait for Evan and Delirious, Evan leans over and whispers to Delirious. He nods and murmurs back, they finally get to the car and Ray is still jumping around like a little kid, I laugh and she turns to look at me,"What's so funny?" I laugh harder,"You *gasp* are a *gasp* mom and your acting *gasp* like a kid!" Evan and Delirious start laughing as she shrugs and continues to jump around. We all pack in the car and Delirious texts Lui, Nogla, and Marcel to tell them that were coming. Delirious and Ray sit in the back, they hold hands and lean on each other. I hear them murmuring and sometimes giving one another soft pecks on the lips. I glance at Evan who's eyes where fixed on the road, i feel his hand intertwine with mine. I smile and look ahead, once we finally get to Pax and find a parking place we all headed to the main entrance. Some people waved and took pictures as we made our way to the new games area (idk what it's called, I've never been to Pax XD) we walked by a couple of cool looking games. Ray and Delirious went to a game called 'Hatred' after we all did a meet and greet (Search it on the internet, y'all will understand why we went for that game.) Evan had to go to a panel or something, I walked in and sat down next to Emily and Mae, Lui and Nogla where at the panel as well. After an hour of questions Evan spoke,"Um i want to take this opportunity to do something i have been wanting to do for awhile, (Y/N) can you come up here please?" I feel shocked, he didn't say anything about calling me up for this? I get up and make my way up to the stage with people in the crowd whispering and gawking at me, I walk up the stairs and Evan is standing there with a nervous look on his face. I go up to him and he grabs my hands, he puts his forehead on mine,"(Y/N), you've brought me so much happiness and joy for the three years I have known you and the one and a half years you became my soul mate." I begin to tear up as he reaches behind his back, he looks at me and gets down on one knee, the crowd is completely silent as he pulls out a black box and opens it revealing a beautiful diamond ring. I feel hot tears roll down my cheeks as he smiles,"Will you do me the honor in marrying me?" I gasp and put my hands over my mouth, the crowd gasps i nod. Everyone goes wild as Evan puts the ring on my left hand, he picks me up and spins me around before kissing me. He hugs me tightly as the host smiles and gives him the mic, Evan takes it and looks up,"Thank you all for coming! I'm glad to share this special moment with you, see you guys next time! Peace!" He gives the mic back to the host and he and i begin to leave with Lui, Nogla, Mae, and Emily. Mae and Emily run up to me and hug me tightly,"OH MY GOD YOU'RE GONNA GET MARRIED!!!!" I smile and I see Ray and Delirious running up to us. Delirious jumps on Evan and Ray jumps on me yelling her congratulations, Delirious laughs as Evan stumbles and Nogla gets Delirious off of him. They all say goodbye and start to head off, Evan and i head to the car. Once we get to the parking lot I pull hing into a tight hug, I feel more tears run down my face. Evan gently lifts my chin up and wiped the tears away,"No tears now, we have some planning to do!" I smile and get in the car to get our stuff from the hotel and head to the airport.

( sorry that I fucked up the ring thing in the first place, i forgot which hand the ring goes on XD)

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