Chapter 18: The Girls planned something

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( I feel like I'm jumpin around events but your rehabilitation doesn't seem like a good story. So this will be two and a half months after the rehabilitation, you and Evan are gonna have your wedding in three weeks it's a fan meet up in Canada. Delirious, me, Mya, Craig,Tyler, Kelly, Brian, Scotty, and your cousin Jay are gonna be there with y'all)

Your pov:

We all walk into the hotel lobby and I see a girl with dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, I scream "JAY!!!" The girl turns around with wide, vibrant, dark blue eyes. I hug her tightly as she squirms,"Hey (Y/N)! I missed you too!" Mya and Ray run up, they join in on the hug."RAY! MYA!" "JAY!" We all have a quick chat when I felt something cling to my leg,"AUNT (Y/N)!!!" I laugh and pick Allie up, Karyll is holding hands with Jonathan. I laughed harder because he hand to bend down slightly, I gasped as I saw Tyler and Kelly. I wave at them and they walk over, "What's up guys!" Tyler and Craig fist bump,"MINICAT!" Karyll and Allie shout, Tyler looks back at us with surprise and Craig's face gets slightly red, Karyll waves up at them and I put Allie down. They both walk over and hug their legs, Ray and Jonathan laugh as Karyll stares up at Tyler with awe. "Your tall!" Tyler laughs and picks Karyll up, he puts her on his shoulders and he holds on to her tightly to ensure that she doesn't fall. Karyll claps as she is able to see everyone, Allie was clinging to Craig's legs,"Walk!Walk!" Craig walks around with her giggling and hugging his leg harder. Our mom was staying in the hotel and was watching Dom, later she wants to have Karyll and Allie so we "Can have our fun ;) ." Her words not mine. Evan walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, Tyler walked over with Karyll still on his shoulders. He towers over me, he towers over everyone here, Jonathan and Ray are the second and third tallest in the group not counting Nogla. Karyll pulls on Evan's hair, for some reason babies  like to grab his hair.....weird. He smiles and Tyler give her to him, Karyll gives Tyler a kiss on the cheek, the room filled with aww's and Kelly nudged him. Scotty and Brian walk in the door and looks around for us, Jay glanced at Scotty and blushed slightly, Karyll stared at Brian. ( wink wink, Karyll ;) ) Scotty saw Allie and Karyll, he smiled wide, he loves kids, Allie came walking up with Ray. He gave Ray a side hug and he got on one knee, Allie poked his nose, " Allie, this is Scotty, Scotty, Allie." He makes a weird face, Allie giggles and tries to copy it. Ray rolled her eyes and Brian walked over to us, Karyll started to grab in his direction. I put her down and she runs towards him, he smiles and kneels down to her height. She stares more at him before speaking," Cutie." We all burst out laughing as she kisses his nose and skips towards Allie. Brian slowly gets up and gives us all a questioning glance,"Who made her say that?" "Brian nobody made her say that!" He looks unconvinced.

~skip to the hotel room~

Ray, Jonathan, and the girls are sleeping in the same hotel room, Mya, Craig, and our mom is in the same room with Dom. Evan and I are sharing a room with Tyler and Kelly. Jay is with Brian and Scotty. I get out of the bathroom after a nice, Long shower. I had a towel wrapped around my body and one on my head, I bent down to grab my clothes. I heard Evan whistle and he smacked my bass, I turn around and glare at him. He smiles and kisses me, he quickly grabs my towel and pulls it off of me. I gasp and try to get the towel back, Evan smirked and he held it over my head. 'Thank god Tyler and Kelly went out...' He backed up and tripped over my bag, he lands on the bed, I run up and grab my towel. "NOPE!" Evan grabs me and pulls me on top of him, I feel blood rush to my face. He leans up and kisses me passionately, a knock on the door makes Evan sit up. I grab my towel and wrap it back around myself, I get my P.J's and go back to the bathroom. Once I close and lock the door I hear Tyler's voice and Evan's, I get fully ready for bed and open the bathroom door. Evan told me that he and Tyler where toning to get some pizza, once they left it was just me and Kelly. I look at her and smile,"The plan still going through?" She nods,"This is gonna be awesome, Ray and Mya know the full details." We discussed the plan we have been working on since the beginning of my rehabilitation, it is gonna be awesome!

~Time skip to the meet up cuz I'm lazy~

Ray's pov:

Mya, Kelly, and (Y/N) slowly made their way towards me, we had a nice clear spot with all of our stuff for the surprise. We got up on our little stage that we made, (Y/N) and I stood up in front, Mya and Kelly where on the back and sides of us. "Hey y'all!!" Everyone turned to look at us," Thank y'all for comin out and meetin with us, all us girls up here have prepared a little somethin for our loving Husbands and boyfriends. HIT IT!"

Evan's pov:

I stared at them on the stage, they all had microphones in one hand. Ray stepped up and began to sing.( Start video, also sorry if I fuck up the lyrics.)

Ray: I know it's just somethin about you, got me feeling that I can't be without you, anytime someone mentions your name, I be feeling as if I'm around you.

Everyone starts to cheer, Mya steps up with Ray.

Mya: ain't no words to describe you baby, I don't know why you make me hot, can't you tell that you drive me crazy? Cuz I can't get you outta my mind!

Craig, Tyler, Delirious, and I stare up at them in surprise as Kelly walks up.

Kelly: Think of you went I'm going to bed, when I wake up I think of you again. You are my homie, lover, and friend.

I smile when I see (Y/N) walk up.

You: Exactly why, you light me up inside like the Fourth of July, Whenever your around I always seem to smile! People ask me how well your the reason why im-

They all look up and smile at the crowd, everyone is whooping and whistling.

All: Dancing in the mirror, and singin in the shower. La La Di, La La Da, La La Da. Singin in the shower.

Ray points at the crowd and they start to sing the chorus.

All: La La Di, La La Da, La La Da, Singing in the shower.

Ray: All I want, all I need is your lovin, baby you make me hot like an oven, since you came with you wood that I discovered, baby I don't need me another. No no ohh no.

Mya: Only you got me feelin so, and you know that I've got to have ya. And I'm not gonna let you go.

You and Kelly: Think of you when I'm going to bed, when I wake up I think of you again. You are my homie, lover, and friend. Exactly why you light me up inside like the Fourth of July, Whenever your around I always seem to smile, and people ask me how well your the reason why I'm-

All: Singin in the shower, dancing in the mirror, singin in the shower. La La Di, La La Da, La La Da. Singin in the shower, La La Di, La La Da, La La Da. Yea, Singing in the shower.

I slowly start to make my way forward and I know that Delirious, Craig, and Tyler follow behind me. All of the girls on stage smile at us and blow kisses.

You and Mya: There ain't no grantee, but ill take a chance on me, baby let's take our time. 

Ray and Kelly: Singing in the shower.

You and Mya: and when things get rough there is no giving up, cuz it's just feels so right. 

Ray and Kelly: Singing in the shower.

You: Dont care what others say, as long I'm with you I'm straight.

All: You're in my heart too late. You light me up inside like the Fourth of July, whenever your around I always seem to smile, some people ask me how well your the reason why I'm dancing in the mirror, Singing in the shower.

Ray reaches down to Jonathan and helps him on stage, the other three do the same with us except Kelly stood up straight to help Tyler.

All including the boys: La La Di, La La Da, La La Da, Singing in the shower, La La Di, La La Da, La La Da. You got me singing in the shower! La La Di, La La Da, La La Da. Singing in the shower.

I put my forehead on (Y/N)'s and I pull her into a loving hug, she wraps her arms around my neck and looks into my eyes. I blocked out the other noise around me and only focused on (Y/N)'s beautiful (E/C) orbs. I closed the small space between us with a long, passionate kiss.

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