Chapter 12

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I enter the house and I lock the main door placing the house keys on the kitchen counter.

My mama greets me as soon she sees my face. "How was the party?" She asks me as she gives me a thousand kisses on my face.

"Ma, that's enough. The party was okay." I answer her and she finally stops giving me kisses.

"Good, I'm happy that you're having fun." She gives me a warm smile. I give her a hug wrapping my arms around her and she hugs me back.

I'm only a softie around my mama.

That's it.

Not with anybody else.

I let go of my arms and I head to my room. I open my door, grab my night clothes, walk into my bathroom, and change into them.

Then, I started my self-care routine by washing my face and brushing my teeth.

I take a look at my braided hair and I take the hair ties off and I unravel the braids. As soon as my hair is completely unleashed, I grab my hairbrush and brush through my hair.

By the way, my scalp does hurt.

However, I like it when my mama puts my hair into braids.

I put my hair up and I leave my bathroom. I check my message and I see Uncle Aaron's message immediately.

Uncle Aaron - Come in the lair. I'll tell you all the details.

I put my phone in my pocket, walk downstairs, and go into the lair. I spot Uncle Aaron sharpening one of his weapons built into his prowler suit. I walk up to him as he puts down his weapon to tell me the information.

Uncle Aaron states, "We're going to steal some medications/first aid kits to help your mom. We already have the tools to break into the building and we're going to break into a jewelry shop so we can make something like a necklace or bracelet..." He trails off and I already know who he's thinking of.


"Sounds good." I agree with the idea and before I go back to my room, Uncle Aaron places his hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be this Saturday at 7 pm, don't be late." He reminds me.

"Cool." I head out the door of the lair and I walk towards my room and I sprawl myself on the bed, placing my hands in the back of my head.

I miss my papa, but I try to hold on to my pain.

No one would ever want to talk to me about my feelings.

Well, except for Ramona, Carlos, and Sebastian.

I just wish that I could do more for my mama. She's already gone through so much. I don't ever want to see her hurt.

I think more about my feelings. I think back to when I chased Ramona.

I was hoping to take the ring that she was wearing but scratched her shoulder.

That wasn't on purpose, I swear.

If I ever wanted to hurt Ramona, I would've done more than just a scratch.

But I'm a respectful person and know my manners.

Except, that she doesn't know that I'm the prowler and she's oblivious.

I'm always wearing purple and have purple items and she hasn't caught on.

But do I want her to know?

My thoughts have been scattering all over the place and I haven't been thinking straight lately.

I have been on a heist after heist. We had so many that we were able to support what my mom can do and the house.

I'm just happy that I'm able to make her happy and do the things I can with Uncle Aaron.

I check my phone and it's already 10 pm. I set my alarm for school tomorrow and turned my lamp off. I doze off as soon as I hit my head on my pillow.

■ □ □ □ ■

I wake up from my alarm and groan from my deep sleep. I throw the sheets off me roughly and tiredly walk to my bathroom to do my morning routine.

I'm not a morning person at all. I'd rather be awake all night than wake up at my alarm.

But it is what it is.

I finish my morning routine and leave my bathroom. I walk downstairs and I already smell breakfast from where I am.

I go to the kitchen and my mama sees me, giving a kiss on my face.

"Morning! Made your favorite." My mama gives me a big kind smile.

I hug her and I sit down at the dining table as she does, too. We both eat breakfast quietly until I break the silence.

"Where did Uncle Aaron go?" I ask her, chewing my food.

"He went to go on a walk in the morning." She explains.

Oh, I forgot how Uncle Aaron loves the morning.

It's been a while after...

Well, let's not talk about it.

I finish my breakfast, put my dishes away, and go up to my room to change into uniform clothes. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

My mama is already ready to make my hair. I go up to her and I sit down on the ground while she sits on the couch having her items in handy.

She makes the braids, but at one point she pulled too hard and I yelped in pain, "Ow!"

"Sorry!" She apologies.

She finished the braids and I stood up and she cupped her hands in my face. Lastly, she kisses my face again and hugs me. I hug her back and she says goodbye and I return it to her. I close the main door behind me and skip on the stairs, unlocking the car and I hopped in the driver's seat.

I turned the engine on and put my seatbelt on. I signaled a left turn, got out of the parking, and headed to my school.

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Author's Note: Helloo!!! Welcome back!! Sorry for not updating earlier, but I am now! Literally had a marching band competition on Saturday and had to study for my chem test yesterday. Anyway, I hope you liked the depth of Miles's character in this chapter and going forth in the upcoming chapters I'll be making! See you guys in the next one!!

Question of the Day!: Have any predictions so far?

Meeting With The Villain | Prowler Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now