Chapter 26

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"This is the first time you haven't put your alarm. We were supposed to wake up at seven am." Evie made a point to as we woke up before seven am.

She's right. I always put an alarm the night before. This time felt weird.

I'm always organized.

Guess not today.

I put an alarm for seven a.m., and we both go back to sleep in tiredness.

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I woke up to my alarm, and so did Evie. She went to use the bathroom while I scrolled through Instagram. After Evie used the bathroom, I got out of bed and put my phone on my bedside table, and made my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Then, we both went downstairs to have breakfast.

Surprisingly, we didn't think the rest were going to be awake. I thought they were just going to sleep in.

My mom and dad finished making breakfast and putting dishes on the table.

I sat in the same spot as I did yesterday, and before we ate, we said grace. We devoured into our food and ate in silence, considering how early we woke up.

We talked here and there once a while, but not too much. Sometimes, I thought I was going to fall face into my food.

I finished breakfast, and Gabriel took care of the dishes. I went back to my room to relax for dive minutes.

Then, my mom texted in the group chat.

Yes, she made a group chat.

Mom ❤️ - Get ready in fifteen minutes. We're leaving to go to the slopes!

Jason 😊 - Okay!

Kaleb 😎 - cool!

Noelle 🥳 - will do!

Evie 🤓 - thanks!!

Miles 💜 - thank you :)

Carlos 🤪 - dope!!

Sebastian 😇 - 👍

Ahhh, the classic thumbs up.

I type on the group chat.

Ramona - Thanks, mom!!!

I put my phone away, and I take out my snow gear and beat Evie to the bathroom. I hear Evie grumble outside of the door, "Not fair..." She mutters.

I finished changing and did my hair into dutch braids, leaving baby hairs in the front. I leave the bathroom all to Evie, and I grab my helmet and shoes. I grab my phone, and I take a selfie and a mirror pic.

Evie got out of the bathroom with her hair done and ready. She grabbed her helmet and shoes.

"Wanna take a selfie?" I suggest, and we both pose for the picture.

Then, we both go downstairs and put on our shoes. I spot Noelle coming down, and she does the same.

"You excited?" I ask her.

"Hell yeah, I haven't seen snow ever in my life." She responds as she ties her shoelace.

"Really?" Evie asks her in curiosity as she sits up straight, waiting for my mom and dad to get ready.

"Yup, so this will be an experience." Noelle states as she smiles joyfully.

"We should take a selfie together!" Noelle recommends as she takes her phone out.

We took a couple of photos, and in one photo, we saw Carlos photo bomb our pictures a couple of times.

"We should take a group picture when the rest comes out!" Carlos suggests.

"Great idea!" I exclaim in happiness.

In five minutes, everyone got together and took a couple of photos. One where it's just all teenagers, one of whom all the adults go together, and we took one big group picture with all of us.

Then, it was time to leave to go to the resort.

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We drove to the resort and parked in the snow.

Don't worry, I was safe when I was driving in the snow.

I got out and closed the car door. I opened the hood of the car and took out my skis and my bag. The rest of my friends got their ski equipment during finals week, so they had it handled.

When I tell you skis are expensive, they're expensive.

"Off to where, now?" Kaleb asks.

"I haven't skied in a long time, so we'll follow my parents." I say as I walk behind them.

Our footprints trail in the snow as we walk to the resort area. Snowflakes start to fall down on us at the perfect time of the month.

After twenty minutes, we got there and found a bench to put on our skis.

I stood up and stumbled a little bit, but in a second, it was all familiar to me. I remembered everything and skied for five minutes.

However, my friends weren't doing so well. Noelle kept holding on to Jason as he was already confident in skiing. Evie and Sebastian were skiing next to each other the whole time being.

Unfortunately, Miles hasn't gone up. I skied up to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him, getting worried.

"Oh, nothing..." He shuts down the subject.

"I want to help you, Miles." I tell him as I sit next to him.

He hesitates and finally says, "If I fall, it's going to be embarrassing."

"No, it won't. People fall all the time. It's part of the learning process. Look." I reassure him as he looks up and sees other people falling down and laughing it off.

"I'll be there the whole time." I promise him as I stand up and hold out my hand to him.

He takes my hand and stands up. He wobbles, but he balances his weight. I take his hand in mine, and we ski slowly before going to a normal speed.

"This isn't so bad. I thought it was much worse." He states as we ski on the snow.

"See? It's all about practice." I say as we come to a stop.

We both look into each other's eyes deeply.

Is he going to kiss me?

Wait, but I want it to be perfect.

Not out in the open.

I hope he feels the same.

"Can I ask you something, Ramona?" He hesitantly asks me, fidgeting with his hands.

"You can ask me anything." I don't break eye contact as I say.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

THAT I was not expecting.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" I burst out with happiness, and I hug him tightly.

He sighs relievingly and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I've never felt so happy in my entire life.

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Author's Note: Heyyy!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! I'm literally on a writing grind lmao. But, this is making me happy and I hope you guys are too!!! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Question of the Day: On a scale of one to ten, did you expect them to be girlfriend and boyfriend? :D

Meeting With The Villain | Prowler Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now