Chapter 18

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Noelle and I spot Evie with Sebastian flirting with each other by the vending machine.

"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Noelle yells over the loud music.

Evie snaps her head towards us and looks in shock. "I'm so so sorry, I got ahead of myself." She apologies to us and motioning it to Sebastian.

"Hey! You came up to me, I was just with Carlos and Miles. You basically dragged me here to be with you." He explains himself.

"Yeah, and yet you're still here and not with them." She points out.

"Okay, so where are Carlos and Miles then, if you left them by themselves?" I question them.

"Uh..." Sebastian mutters as he scratches the back of his head while Evie tries to retrace her steps in her brain.

"Yeah, you have no clue." Noelle states the obvious.

"Where were they when you were them?" I ask them.

"Oh! By the... uh... the uh... the main entrance of the gym!" Sebastian remembers by the top of his head.

In an instant, we all walk to the main entrance of the gym and spot Carlos and Miles.

Miles is wearing a purple suit whereas Carlos is wearing a suit with a green tie.

"You went all out." I comment on Miles's suit.

"How could I not?" Miles questions my statement.

"Okay, I didn't say it's a bad thing. It's a good thing." I smile at him. Although, he gave me a suspicious facial expression.

Maybe he doesn't believe that I think he looks good.

Perspective people.


Carlos asks everyone, "When does homecoming end?"

"9:30pm." Noelle says as she looks at her watch.

"Does anyone want dessert? I'm kind of hungry again." Evie whines at the thought of sugar and sweets.

"Sure, but my curfew is 10:30pm." I claim.

Miles curiously asks out of nowhere, "Anyone know what happened to Jason and Kaleb?"

"Oh, they left the dance. They went back home. Probably having ice cream together." Noelle looks at me as she said that.

Evie goes towards Miles to whisper him something, but Sebastian grabs her away from him.

I wonder what she was about to say to him.

"Okay, we should head out. Who wants to pick the location?" I ask my friends.

"The Chocolate Room!" Evie yells with excitement.

Dang, she already had one in mind.

"That was fast, okay, who wants to put the directions?"

"I can." Miles states as he waves his phone around to indicate that he's putting the GPS.

"Cool, I'm driving!" I walk over to my car and turn it on. I get in the driver's seat and close the car door behind me.

"I call shotgun!" Carlos yells as he opens the passenger car door until he isn't, and Miles puts him in the backseat.

"No, you didn't." Miles climbs into the passenger seat and buckles his seatbelt.

I laugh at their conversation, and I check to see others have their seats buckled.

I have a third row of seats that Evie and Sebastian are sitting in, so I checked with them if they're doing okay.

"Onwards!" Evie yells and throws a fist in the air.

I turn the engine of the car on and check there are any other people near me before I start driving. I give the indicator and let cars drive before I can go.

I drive out of my parking spot, and I drive us to The Chocolate Room.

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We arrive at The Chocolate Room, and I parallel park at a curb. After that, I turn off the car, and I take the keys off the keyhole, and others are already out of the car.

I gather my stuff, and as I'm about to open my door, I don't notice Miles has already opened my door.

"Thank you, Miles." I step out of the car, and he closes the car door.

"Ningún problema, Ramona." He takes his right arm and wraps it around my shoulder, and we walk in the store.

A sudden of cold air ventilation hits my skin, giving me goosebumps. I hug my arms around myself to keep the cold away.

As I'm looking around what dessert I want, I feel fabric clothing placed on my shoulders. I look around to see Miles put his purple blazer on me so that I don't feel cold.

"You're awesome, you know that, right?" I compliment him.

"Yeah, you could say that." He gives me a big smile.

There it is!! Aha!


I can now sleep in peace.

After five minutes, I ordered a milkshake with a brownie sundae, and I paid the cashier. The others got a table of six, and we all wait for our dessert.

Suddenly, Carlos drops out of nowhere, "Did you know an elephant can hear up to 10 km away?"

"No, I didn't, but that's cool." Noelle cheers Carlos up.

"You know you could've said something else other than the wildlife." Miles claims.

"What? You don't like the wildlife? That's your problem, not mine." Carlos stands up for himself.

"He slayed that." Noelle motivates him.

"You've got competition, Miles." Sebastian expresses.

"Oh really? Well, let's see about that. Arm wrestle, right here and right now." Miles announces.

"Oh, you're on!" Carlos and Miles go head to head with arm wrestling each other while the others film it.

In the end, Miles won, lol.

"Damn it, I thought I had it." Carlos gets sad. Miles tries to comfort him, and he says, "Don't worry, one day you will."

We get our desserts after ten minutes, and we all dive in.

After fifteen minutes, we finished our dessert and we some of us had to use the restroom and we left the store.

I turn on the car with my keys, and I get into the passenger seat. I double-checked that my friends are wearing their seatbelts, and I start the car, giving a left indicator, and I watch my shoulder to see if cars are driving. When it's time, I drive onto the road, and I drop my friends off at their place.

After dropping four of them, I drop off Miles to his house. Then, I drive myself back home.

I park the car and I turn off the car. I get out of the driver's seat, and I lock the car. I check my phone to see it is 10:25pm.

Yay, I'm not late.

I ring the doorbell, and my mama opens the door.

"How was it? Did you have fun? Tell me all about it." She immediately spurts out when I walk in the house.

My dad enters the living room and spots me and scrunched his nose and gets his glasses on.

"Excuse me, lady. Who's purple blazer is that?" My dad fumes with anger in an instant.

I look down at my arms to see that I'm still wearing Miles's purple blazer.

Oh no.

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Author's Note: Hey!! Double update because I promised, lol. Anyway, happy belated Merry Christmas, lol. I'm so grateful that you guys still find this story so entertaining. It means a lot! Anyway, I'm getting sappy, lolz. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter!

Question of the day: What do you guys think will happen next? (Because I just casually dropped a cliffhanger lolll) :D

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