8. The 3 E's

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This rule should be applied whenever you're feeling insecure about anything, whether it's your body , your interests, your talents, ideas , anything .

It helps you come to terms with it and makes you more comfortable and confident with it , with this method you'll be putting that insecurity out there and showcasing it , it's meant to teach you the plain truth :
People really don't care as much as you think they do


To embrace something simply means to accept it with open arms / receive gladly and eagerly
When I say embrace , I mean welcome it with open arms , be glad that you have it and be grateful for it . Be eager about that idea in mind , be eager about that outfit you want to wear , be eager about that physical feature that you're insecure of. Tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with it , remind yourself why you love it or why you should love it
Tell yourself it's okay to be different and that no one see's it the way you do . Embrace it by turning your head away from what's negative about it and focus on the positives and the potential it holds

To enhance something means to intensify , increase or further improve the quality
When I say enhance I mean DON'T COVER IT UP , don't be ashamed or embarrassed of it , don't hide it from people . Pay attention to that idea and develop it , grow it , improve it's quality . One thing that people don't know is that if you're embarrassed of something that sends a signal to other people that it's embarrassing but if you talk about something proudly as if it doesn't bother you at all , it sends a signal to people that it's not a big deal
Choose what signal you send to them

Emphasis means special importance given to a certain thing.
Give it importance !!! Let people know that you won't tolerate disrespect given to it
Tell yourself that , that thing means so much to you , imagine what your life would be like without it and pay attention to it .

I promise you, consistency with this rule will make you love your insecurities more and love everything that makes you different ❤️💞😊

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