My World Implodes

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Zach: "I have something to tell you and you're not going to like it."  

Fuck, this isn't going to end well.

Clara: "Is it going to hurt." 

Stay calm. Hold it together.

Zach: "Yes and I'm sorry. Know that it has nothing to do with you." 

I could feel a weight on my chest like someone had just knocked all the wind out of me. I felt like I was being crushed.

Clara: "I should've known."

Zach: "Known what?"

Don't say it, it's just your own insecurities speaking. He's probably moving or transferring, it's probably not that serious. You'll both make it through no matter what it is.

Clara: "You're getting back with your ex or there is some other girl you like better or whatever. I've been through this before and I'll probably go through it again. It doesn't matter, I understand." 

You did exactly what I said not to. God, I sound desperate. I wanted to take it back, delete it, but he had already viewed it and started typing. Part of me knew I was right, but the other part hoped I was wrong, that I was just overthinking it.

Zach: "Ok yes, my ex and I have been talking for a week or so, and we've hung out some and we want to try again. I'm sorry Clara. I don't know what this means for us. I understand if you never want to talk to me ever again. I've been wanting to tell you for a few days but it felt like it was impossible. And I didn't want to just drag you along the process of her and I talking again. I'll give you some space and time and when you want to talk, I'll talk." 

I felt my world collapsing around me. The oxygen felt like it had been sucked out of me and that I was dying. Numbness washed over me and I couldn't even find it in me to cry. This had to of been some type of joke. It was all some sick joke he was playing. There's no way this was real, it was so stupid. Just a few weeks ago he was complaining that he had seen her in passing and now he's telling me they've been hanging out, voluntarily. Just a few days ago, he had is arm around me, his hands on my waist. I was played for a fool. I was a joke.

Clara: "Ok."

Zach: "I'm sorry Clara."

His words felt empty. I felt empty.

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