Chapter 10

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Hanasita sat on the chair as Sumire healed her arm. They were currently at the temporary house. Himawari stood near Sumire, watching as she worked her magic.

Hanasita didn't dare look at her mother. She knew how angry she'd be. She sat in silence, watching the green chakra from her mother's hands heal her wounds.

Sumire was nervous upon having Himawari there. In all honesty, she hadn't talked to Sarada or the Uzumakis since that night, because she knew Himawari told them. Thankfully, Sarada didn't reveal their temporary house to them, so Sumire was safe for now. Although now that Himawari was here, she was worried that she'd tell her family, and Sumire would have to face Boruto again.

"Ne, Mom..." Hanasita spoke up quietly.


"Does Dad love you...?" she asked gently.

Sumire looked taken aback, then she smiled. She placed her forehead against Hanasita's. "There was one point that we loved each other. After all, you're proof of that, Hana. You were made out of love, after all," Sumire said softly.

Hanasita's eyes widened as tears threatened to fall. "I love you, Mom," she said, hugging her mother tight. Sumire giggled and returned the hug.

Himawari watched lovingly. She always wanted a family. She felt tears stinging her eyes and she quickly wiped them. She had never seen so much love from a mother and daughter in a while. The last time was her and her mom. Not even Sanada and Sarada.

"But that doesn't exuse your problem! You promised me that you'd stopped! How long have you continued!?" Sumire said angrily.

Hanasita sucked in. Her mother sure could be scary when mad. "When I found out about my biological dad..."

"That day!?" Sumire shouted.

"Sumi-neechan, um, can I ask you something...?" Himawari interjected.

"Huh? Sure, what?" Sumire nodded.

"Do you... forgive Sarada-chan...?" the dark blue female inquired.

Sumire went into thought for a moment, placing a hand on her chin. Then, she laughed. She placed her hand on her forehead as she closed her eyes, continuing to laugh. Once her laugh died down, she had a tiny blush. "Yes... Yes, I do... After all, she's still my best friend and I love her. Sure, she may be complicated, but she and I understand each other on a deeper level. I don't get why she did what she did, I probably won't get it at all... But I still love her, no matter what..."

Himawari looked down at the ground. "It's always been you, not her. They're only engaged because of Sanada, you know. Their loves one-sided; Sarada's feelings..." Himawari said.

Sumire didn't look at her. "Hima-chan..." she softly said. "I had my time. Sure, he may not be in a happy or healthy relationship, but I have no right to interfere. Maybe they could make it work? I'll just avoid him until we go home."

"You can't avoid him. He cares too much that he hasn't stopped looking for you... Sumi-neechan, I think you should talk to him... He'll be at the final exam to watch both Hana-chan and Sanada-chan," Himawari said.

Hanasita's eyes lightened upon hearing this. Her dad who she just found out about is coming to watch her. Maybe he did love her and her mom after all.

"I'm sorry, Hima-chan... But I can't come in between someone's engagement," Sumire said gently.

"Did you just completely miss what I said about the real reason they're engaged?" Himawari deadpanned.

Sumire chuckled lightly. She placed a hand up to her lips. "Let's not tell Boruto-kun or anyone that we're here, okay?" she said.

Himawari stared at her sister figure for a moment. Then she sighed loudly. "Not like I have a choice. Very well," she said.

"As for you..." Sumire turned back to her daughter, pointing an accusing finger at her. "Don't think that you're going to get out of trouble for picking up this habit again!"

"S-S-Sorry, Mom!" Hanasita said frantically.

"And what about your teammates!? Did they know!?" Sumire shouted.

Hanasita looked down at her feet. "Um... Actually, I need to speak with them..." Hanasita said, getting up. She headed up the stairs. The only adults here were Sumire and Himawari, Yuri and Suzuka and Suzuki's parents were gone somewhere. Hanasita sighed nervously as she reached Suzuka's bedroom door. She heard laughing. She gently knocked.

The door opened, revealing Suzuka. Her smile instantly faded. "Yo."

"H-Hey... Um, can we talk, Zuka-chan?" Hanasita asked as Suzuki came to see what all the noise was.

Suzuka leaned against the wall. "Well, get started. I ain't got all day," she said.

Hanasita bowed, which was very rare for the impulsive girl. "I'm really sorry for what I said... And for hiding this from you again..." she apologised, much to the others' shock. She rarely every — no, she's never apologised.

"Hey! Who are you and what have you done with Hana-chan!?" Suzuka shouted in shock.

Hanasita stood up and was pounced on by Suzuki. "Oh, it hurt not talking to you!" she cried.

Hanasita smiled gently and rubbed her back. Suzuka placed her arm around Hanasita's shoulder, pulling her closer. "Not gonna like, I missed you."

"Aww. Did you miss mio?" the purple haired maiden teased.

Suzuka, while keeping on arm around Hanasita's shoulder, used her free arm to punch her in the arm. "Shut up...!" All three burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Sumire made Himawari a drink and gently pushed it towards her. "Um, so... Are you going to go to the third exam...?"

"Yup. I get to watch both my nieces. I'll be going with my parents and brothers. But we won't be where you're all sitting," Himawari explained, sipping her drink.

"Ah, right... After all, Sara-chan is the Hokage," Sumire murmured.

"If you were family, then you probably could," Himawari said.

"Do you think they'll see me from there?" Sumire inquired.

"Probably," Himawari shrugged. "I think you should face them."

Sumire sucked in. Just perfect!

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