Dangerous Journey.

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"Gavin, weren't you also living outside before? How come I've never heard you talk about it?" Tony asked with boredom, holding the lead to the mule while they walked.

"Why do you want to know? It's not very interesting." Gavin really didn't find it anything worthwhile. All he did was scrub the floors for a bar for four years and then left. It was as simple as that, at least for Gavin. But when he told Tony about this, the other party looked incredulous as if he'd said something cursing his whole family.

"How could they make you do that as a child? Didn't your family stop them?"

Gavin said frankly, "They don't exist."

Tony was rendered speechless before starting awkwardly again. "Oh...I didn't know."

Gavin shook his head as if stating a matter of fact. "No, they really don't exist. You don't have to feel bad. They really just don't exist." Now Tony was completely confused by his words. A clear look of confusion on his face as he looked back. Gavin almost felt himself laugh out loud.

"You're luring me into one of your traps again. It's impossible for you not to have parents, they can't just 'not exist." Tony ridiculed. 

Gavin said, "Why not? How is it impossible?"

"Well of course! For you to even be born a man and a woman must have--erk!" Tony bit his tongue and glared at him. "You bastard! I fell for it again! Tsk, I'm not talking to you for the next hour!"

Gavin shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the man's pout. 

Their journey was peaceful, with occasional sounds of banter between the two. They took regular breaks within the days, catching small animals and collecting edible plants and berries, most of which were done by Tony.

On their 6th day, they came across something unusual.

Gavin had taken off the blindfold, tying it around his right shoulder. The scene before him was something he never imagined he'd ever witness.

Tony walked ahead of him, stepping on the overgrown root and onto the moss-covered cobblestone path. Ahead of them was an open entrance that was also made of stone, almost completely hidden by the tree roots.

"Is this some kind of temple? It looks like it was almost eaten by the forest." Tony awed, extending his hands to touch the mossy walls.

"Let's explore it," Gavin said suddenly, pulling Tony along by the arm. The red-haired teen was taken aback, staring at the back of Gavin with shock.

"W, wait! Gavin, don't you think it's dangerous? This place might collapse at any time! We can't go in there without preparing anything first!" But his complaints went on deaf ears.

"What's there to prepare? We don't have anything but a donkey and a bag of gold."

Tony frowned at his frankness. "I can barely see in this place, can't we make a torch or something first before we go in?"



"Yeah, let's make a torch." His arm was let go but Tony didn't feel relieved. He looked ahead in the darkness, trying to outline the younger boy's figure but the more he looked, the darker the environment became. Tony suddenly felt panicked, reaching out to see if Gavin was still there.

"Gavin? Gavin? Where are you? This isn't funny, come on, let's get out. I can't see!"

"Calm down, I'm right here." A voice came from behind. Hearing the familiar voice, Tony breathed a sigh of relief. He turned and reached out, feeling a familiar soft touch, his tense nerves finally relaxed.

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