Tony's resolve.

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"I miss them." Tony said besides me. The breeze ruffling my hair onto brushing my cheeks.

"Who?" I asked, lying on the grass besides him.

"My parents. I haven't seen then for years. I'm scared they've really abandoned me."

"I remember you saying your mom brought you here. Have you ever asked Aunty why?"

"What do you take me as? Of course I asked her! She just always ignores my questions and evades it. It's suspicious."

"Do you want to leave?" Tony fell into a silence at this question. For a long time, he didn't answer, like he was slowly thinking about the answer.

The wind blew, the sounds of the trees ruffled and the grass tickles my skin.

"I want to."

He answered.
"No! I won't allow it! You're still too young, Tony!" Aunty slammed her palms against the table, creating a loud ruckus. I saw that Gavin besides me flinch.

"Why can't I? You know I can't stay here forever! I want to see my parents again! You know right? Your sister?"

I just wanted to know if they were okay. They've never even sent a letter or anything! I keep thinking something bad happened to them!

"Don't speak to me that way! I'm not letting go out there trying to look for them! You're way to young!"

"Aunty! I'm 17 now! It's been 9 years since I saw them! I'm worried, I miss them! And I'm scared!"

I don't want to believe it. They can't have just abandoned me! No matter what, I won't believe it until I see it!

"What are you going to look for? You won't find anything! I'm telling you, Antonius, don't go finding trouble for yourself. Your life right here is good enough. And out there--You're going to suffer!"

"So what?! Out there is my home! Where my parents are! Where I'm supposed to be!"

"No its not! This is your home! Your home! There's nothing left for you out there, I've told you this before, Antonius...stop asking. You know I'll say no." She took a deep breath, her dark face flushed red with anger. I wasn't in much if a better state either.

I don't know why you keep insisting this! Why can't I go? Why do I have to keep staying here? For how long!?

"Why can't I leave here? Huh?! You're going to say I'm not old enough right? That I don't know enough! That I don't know anything! Well how am I supposed to know anything if you're not telling me it?! Aunty—You can't keep doing this! I'm about to turn 18 in a few weeks and I have nothing for myself. Just these clothes and a stupid name!"

I felt my eyes burning, but the anger and frustration I've been holding for years couldn't be kept in anymore as I kept spilling all I've ever wanted to say to her.

"I know something happened to them. have to tell me, or else I'm leaving." I can see her frown through my blurry vision.

"I...I'm not going to tell you."

"Why—" She held up her palm to my face to stop me.

"But. I will say this to you..." her hands trembled as she held my face, bringing it closer to her. Resting her forehead against mine, I felt the hot tears on her face drip onto my own. "This is your home. I will always be here, don't think of it anyway. I love you, I love you so much and I don't want you to get hurt."

At that moment. I knew. She compromised to my words. The words I said in a fit of anger that carried half truths.

I didn't want to leave her. I thought we could go, all together, to find them.


"Aunty..." I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tightly as the hot tears poured down my face. "I'm sorry..."

She didn't respond, but I felt her hold me tighter.
Sitting on the porch, I watched as Tony left riding the mule. He kept waving to us, I waved back once but then stopped.

I had taken off the blind point at some point, returning the old and worn ribbon to Aunty. Now, as we stood side by side, I felt her grab my shoulder.

"Gavin..." Her hands were trembling, with a hoarse voice. "I know you're young, younger than Tony...but, he can't do this alone. He's going to need someone by his side, someone close...someone that will help him when it gets too hard."

"I know I'm being selfish by asking you this...You're probably thinking, 'Why can't you go?' Well...I'm afraid, just like you. I'm scared of the world out there. You've seen it too, haven't you? Oh, I should stop rambling on." She took a deep breath. "Anyways, can you go with him?"

My eyes stayed on the figure riding in the distance. There was really only one answer.

I looked down at the pouch of gold in my hands. At least this could come into some use, finally.
The fire crackled, sending sparks of ash into the air. Tony stared, as if hypnotized.

"Stop staring off, you've already made your descision. You can't back off your words now."

Gavin appeared beside him, crouching down and holding his small face with the palms of his hands.


"What?" Gavin tilted his head, a new and different blindfold hiding his eyes.

Sensing that Tony kept staring at him without saying anything, Gavin turned his head back to the campfire.

"...You," Gavin hummed at him. Tony's mouth was still agape, staring at Gavin who suddenly appeared. But as the two continued to sit in silence, he closed his mouth and also turned back to the flame, not saying anything.

But the smile on his face said everything.

'Thank you.'

A Clingy Dog Follows Me To Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now