The Giant's Forest.

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As the two traversed deeper into their journey, the forest they the forest they entered became denser. To the point the toppling trees above them covered the sky; making it difficult to tell the time of day. Gavin wrapped his eyes back in gauze a while ago, leading the mule through the uncharted forest.

"Gavin, aren't you curious what happened to me back there?" Tony finally spoke after a long silence. The person in question didn't respond, but the strength in which he held the reign tightened. In the dim light, Tony failed to notice this small movement.

"It was weird, you were the first one to mention exploring it." Tony glanced ahead at the general direction of Gavin. "I know you wouldn't ever say something like that, but I followed anyway."

"It was mimicking you, Gavin. And I fell for it."

Gavin stopped in his tracks, the lashes under his blindfold trembled unnaturally.

"I feel bad, Gavin. That I fell for it–, I clearly know you wouldn't ever do that, but I fell for it anyway. It makes me...doubt how much I know about you." He heard the guilt in the boy's voice and his heart softened. He struggled to speak, "I, I don't mean it like that, it's just that–"

"It's fine." Gavin interrupted. "You just have to know, Tony...I would never lead you into danger."

There was a moment of silence before Tony erupted into a light giggle. "You sometimes sound like an old man, Gavin. I know you wouldn't do that, that's why I knew it wasn't you...But I fell for it anyway because it was you."

Gavin: "..." ???

The white-haired boy continued walking, his pace more briskly than before. Tony jogged up to him, a big grin on his face.

"Come on, Gavin! I know you don't get what I'm saying, and to be honest, I don't understand it myself–But! It was in the moment! I don't know what I said, I'm sorry, Gavin! Don't ignore me, please~"

Gavin ignored him, but there was a traceable curve on his lips.

"Idiot." He mumbled under his breath.

"Huh? Did you just call me an idiot?"

Tony felt something soft graze against his chin. It was light, and only for a fraction of a second, but the sensation was burned onto his skin. It was Gavin's hair; as soft as always. He rushed past him, pulling the mule to his side.





A wisp of steam flowed in the air, and a small and dainty silver spoon interrupted the clear surface; turning and sending ripples. The warm herbal tea reflected a sullen face.

Her skin was slightly tanned from the sun, dotted with numerous freckles; messy red strands of hair fell over the edges of her face, framing it like a picture. There was clear exhaustion in her eyes, they were dull while watching the distant forest, where Tony and Gavin left.

Malissa took a deep breath, took a sip from the tea, and leaned back in her chair.

Ever since those two left, it was always unnaturally quiet. Of course, there were the usual cries of the cattle and Bonny, who had grown into a wonderful sheep. These days, labor seemed to have doubled spontaneously, but there also seemed to be more leisure time. wasn't her first time being alone. Before Tony came, it was always just her; perhaps it was because she knew how it felt to have some company for the first time. When she was left alone again...if felt emptier than before.




"Hey, the trees are bigger here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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