Fight and Make Up.

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"How come you're the only ones here?" Gavin asked suddenly, chopping the wood into two pieces. Tony shook his head.

"I don't know, you have to ask Aunty for that. I was brought here by my mother, she said to get me out of town and experience working, but it's been 7 years and..." He omitted the last few words, picking up the pieces of wood and stacking them onto the wagon.

"You think she forgot about you?" Tony turned to Gavin with an angry scowl, kicking the wagon with an angry huff.

"Don't you know how to say stuff in your head?!" Gavin smiled, placing another piece of wood on the stump and slamming down the axe. Perfectly cut again. The series of action in Tony's eyes was like a subliminal threat so he placed his foot back down and swallowed the curses that was just about to spill.

"Is it going to be cold soon?" Gavin put aside the ax, picked up the remaining pieces, and walked towards Tony, who was already sitting on top of the mule, ready to leave. "Is that why Miss Lissa has been urging us to collect more firewood?"

Tony sneered, pulling the reins of the donkey. "No. It's because the season will be wet soon, and we have to collect as much wood as possible, or else all that'll be left is wet wood that can't be burned."

"Wet?" Gavin hurried to climb after Tony as he asked.

"Yeah, this place gets flooded easily! But don't worry, our house is high enough that it won't be underwater! Aunty is making an extra fishing rod just for you too!"

"Fishing rod?" Tony nodded.

"Animals from the ocean get caught up in the flood, and you can see them swimming in the water! They're super yummy too! I can teach you how to catch some!" Gavin frowned, the palms of his hands secreting cold sweat when he heard the word ocean.

"There...there is an ocean nearby here?"

"Of course there is! We're right above it!"




"So...The land we're standing on right now is just...a massive cliff? And the ocean is below us?" Melissa nodded at Gavin's words, taking a sip from her mug. Seeing the older woman's nonchalant attitude Gavin felt that his concerns were simply a childish joke. He swallowed his fears and glanced at Tony who was stuffing his face.

Seeing how the other could care less about the natural disaster that was just upon them, he kicked the other secretly on the table.

"Ow!" The boy spurted out mouthfuls of food and glared at Gavin. "Why did you do that--I could've choked!"

"Eat, eat, eat. The place is about to get flooded and all you do is eat!"

"What's wrong with me eating? I'm hungry from chopping all that wood!" He grabbed a handful of the rice and shoved it in Gavin's face. "You're suddenly angry now, you must be hungry! Come on and eat it!"

Gavin opened his mouth and bit down on the hand.

Melissa stood up and separated them before those two jumped on each other. She grabbed the hand that Gavin bit, dragged him outside, and made him wash his hands. Gavin stayed inside, after realizing what he did, he stood alone in the house with guilt in his consciousness. Even from here, he could hear Tony's cries.

Melissa didn't say anything but stared at Gavin with a firm expression, then she dragged Tony back to bed.

"Miss Lissa, I'm sorry." When he saw her come down the stairs, Gavin rushed to apologize, hanging his head low while bowing. "I don't know why I bit him. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't apologize to me." Melissa's voice was low, it was obvious she was angry. She grabbed Gavin's thin wrists and pulled him upstairs as well, opened the door to Tony's room, and stuffed him in.

Gavin knew what she meant instantly.

Listening to the sniffling and groans from the shivered lump under the sheets, Gavin approached it and squeezed himself on the bed, while whispering, "I'm sorry, Tony."

The other didn't respond, but the shaking stopped. Gavin continued.

"I...I don't know why I bit you. I really didn't mean to hurt you." Gavin took a deep breath. "I, I was scared. I'm scared of the ocean and...when I saw that you were eating so casually, I guess I got angry and put my anger out on you."

After a sniff, Tony lifted a bit of the covers and looked at him with a pair of wet eyes. "Why are you so scared?"

Upon hearing the question, Gavin balled up his hands and turned his head to look straight into Tony's eyes. "Because it almost killed me."

Tony's eyes widened in shock and Melissa, who was in the other room put down the sandpaper in her hand. The walls were not very thick, and the soundproofing in the house was very bad. She looked down at the newly made fishing rod in her hand, a look of hesitance on her face.

"What happened?" Tony couldn't help but ask, revealing more of his head of red hair.

Seeing the expectant expression on his face, Gavin couldn't help but feel his nerves calm a bit. He recounted his experience to Tony.

"I was drifting farther and farther...whenever I wanted to scream for help, the seawater would just block my mouth. I couldn't see what was around me, the ocean under me was completely black, it was scary like anything would just drag me down. In fact, I did drown." Gavin's voice trembled as he said the last sentence. Tony continued to look at him in shock.

"I should've died then, but someone saved me from the water. He saved me, just because he wanted to be my dog."

"Ah?" The atmosphere was suddenly taken from its seriousness by the ridiculous sentence. Tony was taken aback and so was Malissa, who kept eavesdropping.

"Yes. He wanted to be my dog. I could've given him anything else, yet he wanted to serve under me like a pet."

"Pft--Hahahah!" Tony burst out in a laugh, smacking the pillow beside their head. Gavin turned to look at him with a curve on his lips.

"Surprisingly, he was actually a pretty good pet." Tony gasped in surprise, looking at Gavin with shock.

"You actually accepted him?!"

Gavin nodded. "Of course! He saved my life and I had to pay him back somehow."

"If that's all it takes then I would've asked for a mansion! A huge one! Like a castle!

Malissa shook her head on the other side of the wall. Whether the story Gavin said was false or not, it seems the two were getting back along with each other.

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