Death is quiet.

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Heavy footsteps echoed down the hall. Frantic shouts and commands were thrown around while people dressed in black and white hurriedly moved about.

Gavin opened his eyes, greeted by the dark vision he was accustomed to, he moved to sit up but was pushed back down by a heavy hand.

"Don't move! You fell back into a critical state during sleep, Boss. Please bear with us while we stabilize you!" Hearing a familiar voice and listening to their words, he obediently laid back down. Contrary to his submissive attitude on the surface, Gavin felt very complicated in his heart.

He listened to all the noise of rushing and panic around him and as his thoughts lingered longer in the dark, the weight of guilt on his shoulders slowly became more unbearable. Of course, he was grateful for their concern, but he really didn't deserve such thoughtfulness. And besides, he knew their concern didn't truly stem just from their hearts.

After all, it was he who forced them all into such a precarious situation. Based on the contract he held with them all, if he were to lose his life, all of them would soon follow. He was sure, that if they didn't have that contract tied to their necks like knives, none of them would be willing to serve him like this.

Gavin felt his breath become more shallow, the tinnitus in his ears ringing louder and he subconsciously groaned in pain. The tinnitus was piercing his head like a thick and unforgiving needle, distracting him from further dwelling in his thoughts and the commotion surrounding him.

It's a shame, during this time, he would've surely heard the voices of his subordinates whom he thought hated him screaming his name and titles.

"Boss! Don't close your eyes--Stay awake for a little longer!"

"Boss! I brought the hot water--"

"Mr. Gavin, stay with us for a bit longer! Hold on!"

"The doctors here, Mr. Gavin!"





The sun had barely risen but there was already this much commotion. The sounds of wailings echoed from within the secluded manor, and countless people dressed in black and white buried their heads within their shoulders, trembling constantly.

In a certain dark room with the curtains drawn closed, multiple figures stood surrounding a bed. A man whose breath had long been lost since last night lay motionless; his hands resting on his abdomen, and with a serene face that could've fooled every one in the room that he was simply sleeping again.

But the cold touch of his skin broke this illusion.

"What was the use of that contract?" A voice broke the melancholy mood, but the man's words only further heightened the tension. "...what was the use?"

He pulled out a gun from his inner coat. He turned to everyone in the room, his voice deep and filled with an undiscussable tone. "Take those who want to uphold the contract to their rooms, those who don't...get them out of here and shoot them dead. They're not fit to die on the same land as Master."

Without another word, those in the room left, leaving the man the only one left with the cold body. Once the door was closed behind the last one who left, the man fell to his knees, clutching Gavin's cold hand as he buried his head deep within his palms and sniffed. Like trying to capture whatever was left of his master.

"Master, master...master, master, master, master." He kept mumbling, the madness of obsession and grief swirling within his dark pupils. "Master...I am your most loyal dog."

He picked up the gun that he discarded on the floor. Loading the gun as he spoke.

"I'll follow wherever you go, and serve you even if my mind and body breaks."

With the sound of the gun, rounds of bullets were also fired not far away. Bodies of black and white collapsed to the ground, splashes of blood flew through the air and stained the neatly trimmed grass.

The curtains within the manor slowly lowered with it, as if signaling to the world watching this was the play's end.

The audience was silent, no applause was given, only the passage of time showed its opinion by corroding the blood-filled manor with the help of nature.

It was quiet and the death of a brutal ruler came and went just as that.

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