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A few days later, the flood really did come. Seeing the seawater that surrounds us like a little island, the fear touched the tip of my head and traveled all the way down my body; to my heart, to my stomach, and to my legs, rendering them too weak to even walk.

I stayed cooped up in my room for 3 days, blocked the windows that gave a view to the sea, and covered my ears that echoed with the sounds of the waves. For the past 3 days, those two have tried to get me to leave the room but it was all for naught.

I feel guilty for making them put up with this me, this coward. But...I really can't help it. Whenever I see how much water surrounds us, on this tiny piece of land and house...my legs fall weak and I can't lift my head to look at the surroundings anymore.

The sea was at fault. So mean and cruel, scaring me to death, pulling me to despair, and destroying my life. The sea was at fault, it was at fault for taking my vision, deteriorating my health, and taking my life after that stupid dog first saved me from its grasp.

It was the very last thing I saw...the endless blue sea, the abyssal depths, and the shrinking glimmer of light above me as I sank. It haunted my dream ever since.


"Gavin? I caught a really big fish. We're going to roast it over the fire...do you want to join us?" Tony's voice sounded on the other side of the door. Right, ever since the flood had started, fish has been the main menu for all our meals.

I know I'm repeating myself, but I really can't help it. Thinking about the two who were concerned about me every day...I feel more helpless. I shouldn't be bothering them just because of my selfish actions. I'm such a coward... I have to get over this. I don't want to bother them.

Stop wasting their sympathy.




"Gavin?" Malissa stared at the boy in shock. The rare silvery blond hair was completely uncombed and tangled, resembling a bird's nest more than the obedient child that she remembered. Although she was happy to see Gavin finally come out of his room, she realized during the past 3 days that Gavin truly was terrified of the sea and that whatever story he told Tony before was not a lie. So seeing him walk out with an air of nonchalant, the concern in her heart deepened, however, she didn't show it.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Miss Lissa. I'm fine now." Malissa didn't respond, because she saw right through his lie. The boy's pale eyes were wide, staring straight at the ground. He hasn't lifted his head once since he left that room; if it weren't for the fact that she knew he wasn't, Melissa would've mistaken him as blind.

In fact, she did when he first opened his eyes. His eyes were so pale, she thought he was blind.

She stared at Gavin's nervous appearance, feeling a little pitiful. She took the ribbon that tied her hair up.

Gavin waited a long time for her response, but didn't receive any. He almost wanted to look up at her, but remembering the ocean around them, he remained silent. Just nervously fiddling with the ends of his clothes.

The clothes were Tony's, they should've fit perfectly but because of his malnourishment it hung over his frame like a clothes hanger.

Malissa suddenly knelt down, which surprised him into taking a step back. Before he could take another step, she grabbed his shoulder.

There was a soft touch on his face, and his vision turned dark. Realizing what she was doing, Gavin almost laughed out loud from the irony.

He touched the soft ribbon that was tied around his eyes, restricting his vision.

He was given the blessing of sight in this world again, but he was too scared to use it. Its so laughable. Even after losing it all, he still took his blessings for granted. He was still so arrogant.

The ocean saw this arrogance and sought to punish him. Gavin carefully touched the softness around his eyes and a mocking smile graced his pale lips.

"Thank you, Miss Lissa. I feel a lot better now."

He was undeserving of everything that was given to him. Filled with so much arrogance and hypocritical nature, it was no wonder the most critical sense was taken from him.
"Gavin! You finally came out!"

Tony's voice was filled with excitment. I could feel him rushing to me, the smell of the salty sea on his body as he embraced me. The rough fabric of his clothes rubbed against my cheek.

As he hugged me, the smell of roasted fish finally wafted to my nose.

"Why are your eyes covered?" He sounded inexplicable, I could feel him poking the surface. Although I couldn't see his face currently, I can still image how his face would stringe up in confusion.

"It's okay, did you just finish roasting that fish?" I nodded to where the smell came from.

"Oh right, are you hungry? I can give you some."

"I'd rather have Miss Lissa's fish, thank you."

"What are you trying to say? That I'm bad at roasting fish?"


"You are!"
"You aren't taking it off yet? The flooding season will be over soon. The water is almost gone."

Gavin shook his head. Malissa frowned with perplexion. Tony waved his hands in front of his face to which Gavin slapped it away.

"Ow!" Tony grumbled. "For someone who's got their eyes covered you sure know how to aim."

Gavin only gave an introspectable smile.

"I like it like this. It feels... comfortable." 

I'm used to it. Besides, I don't deserve to see the world, not with the way I am now.

A Clingy Dog Follows Me To Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now