Happy Idiots

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Chae was leaving the All in Us headquarters building to meet her car and driver outside

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Chae was leaving the All in Us headquarters building to meet her car and driver outside. She was staring at her phone as she approached the revolving door that led to the plaza.

Meanwhile, outside, a man carrying a suitcase was also staring at his phone as he approached the door. Without noticing, he entered the revolving door in the wrong direction, just as Chae entered from inside. They each pushed hard on the glass, unaware that there was another person on the other side.

The door crashed. First it bounced back against the man, hitting him squarely in the face and causing a jet of blood to gush from his nose. Then it recoiled, and did the same to Chae.

Both of them shouted in pain and covered their noses as blood flowed onto their shirts. Then, at the same time, they pointed at each other and screamed:


When their eyes met, they recognized each other. The man was the lawyer Chae had met during the contract negotiation. The man stood there, smiling, his teeth also covered in blood. "Hi Ms Lee! Remember me? We met during the contract -"

"Yes, I know! Now back up so I can get out!"

Once they were outside, they both pinched their noses closed and tilted their heads back to stop the bleeding. "Hold on," the man babbled, "I think I broke something in my head."

Suddenly the man began swaying. "Um, wow, hey beautiful, I think I may be getting a bit... whoa... dizzy." Chae rushed to his side and put her arm around his for support.

Chae smiled at being called beautiful. "I think you need a hospital," she said, her own vision starting to blur. "Come to think of it," she slurred, "Handsome me to the ER promptly admiral."

"What? I'm fine? I'm with the One Iz Itzy balloon magnet star," he said dreamily.

Chae's limo was parked in front of the building. She waved quickly and the driver helped her carry the man into the backseat. As soon as they were both seated, the injured man saluted for some reason, smiled, and laid his head in her lap.

As he went to sleep, he mumbled "You're the best girl I've ever been in love with forever since we met all that time ago, right? RIGHT!?!" Then he drifted off to sleep, a dopey smile on his face.

Chae smiled and whispered "Right. And maybe you're the best guy I never knew I needed to meet. Wait, what am I say -"

Then she felt dizzy too. She slumped over.

. . . . .

A few hours later, they were both wheeled out of the hospital with tape over their broken noses. They were already showing the beginnings of black eyes, and had minor concussions. Chae texted her driver to bring the car around.

They got to know each other while they were waiting for treatment. The young lawyer's name was Yujun. Chae was touched by how sincere and decent the young man seemed - and yes, he was five years younger than her. Thinking about it made her feel shy.

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