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(n.) The impression left in the atmosphere after something or someone has passed through the space

——— Percy's PoV / 5th November, 2023

For someone with ADHD and Dyslexia, going to school for 8 hours straight is the worst, and if it's a Monday morning, it's even harder. Some might say I'm over-extracting, but I'm really not...Or maybe a little.

"Percy!" Piper says, for the hundredths of times, while I just try to get everything into my locker, too many books, too small of a locker. "What?"

"You never answered me!" She complains, and I imagine my brain making a ding sound. Ding. See? Where was I? Oh right, there was something...On Friday, Piper had texted me asking something about a... no, "mine" date and for me to call her. With everything going on I forgot.

Everything meaning, sleeping being mad at myself,  sleeping, being mad at Annabeth then at me again and then Annabeth and thennnn sleeping.

"Yeah I'm sorry. What did you want again?" I can hear her rolling her eyes from behind me, not literally of course. I put the last book in and turn around. "I asked about your date, that was so important that you couldn't hang out with us, again." Ahh! there it was.

"Technically, I hung out with you the day before." I try to reason, but with Piper that is just wasting your time.

She has a way with words like no other. Sometimes we would compare her to a daughter of Aphrodite and say she was charmspeaking us, if you hadn't noticed yet, we were all very into Greek mythology, lots of little Greek freaks.

"You mean the day, where you just ran away?" I feel so bad for doing that...really! But how do I explain to her that I have to pick up my brother before the daycare center calls my stepfather, because he would get mad and take him out of daycare since it is just a waste of his time meaning I would have to drop out of school to keep Tyson safe, since I can't trust Gabe with him for more than a second?

Yeah. That's what I thought.

"I already apologized about that." I had no better argument, so she has to work with that. Surprisingly it works, she nods looking like she is realizing something. Good for me.

"You're right, I guess I've just been missing my best friend lately." I give her a small side hug and feel some eyes on us, ugh, I hate people. "I'll try to hang out more with you guys." I promise and she smiles.

"Now... I better get all the details about this date." She says, already back to her old self.

"I rather not." Lying one lie is enough. I don't feel like making up a whole world now.

"So bad, huh?" Since there is no person I'd be insulting, I just nod. Better than making up a full ass date.

"Yup. Sooo bad." I exaggerate, putting my hands up, pretending to be talking to a toddler. She giggles and I smile, a real smile. From behind her Jason appears with the others, he puts his arm around her pulling her closer. She looks up, looking totally love-struck.

They're so cute, ew.

"Hey bro" I say

"Hi Bro" He says back, leaving the other puzzled. "So, whatcha been giggling at?" Jason asks.

Escaping our Shadow - Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now