Liar by Choice

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(Don't fuckin question the picture.)

-Sam POV-

I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened my eyes confused and noticed it was Taurtis. I hummed before closing my eyes again with a yawn.

"Hey, are you okay..?" Taurtis asked with concern obvious on his face.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I tilted my head.

"You're crying.." He stated, sadness in his eyes.

My eyes widened and I touched my cheek, and yeah it was wet. I sighed and wiped my eyes.

"I'm okay, just a nightmare." I deadpanned.

He looked at me, face full of concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly I don't even remember it. I just know I hated it." I lied easily, I don't know why. Why can't I ask for help? Why can't I just tell him? Why can't I be normal?

Taurtis seemed to believe me and he nodded understandingly. He still looked concerned though.

"I'll go grab your breakfast, I'll be right back." He smiled sadly.

I nodded before closing my eyes again and laying back down. After a moment I heard the door open and close signaling me that Taurtis left. After a few seconds of silence I fell asleep again.

-Grian POV-
(Yas. Back to LORE.)

I finished making the last plate of breakfast and set it on the table, I tried to make French Toast for the first time so I don't know if it tastes good. I guess Sam and Taurtis are my unwilling volunteers. I smile a bit at my own thought. Of course I wasn't going to tell them it was my first time, then it wouldn't have been a surprise.

I heard the guest room door open and close so I looked over with a smile and saw Taurtis there with a concerned and sad expression, my smile fell a bit.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he walked over to the table.

Taurtis sighed, "Sam was crying in his sleep and when I woke him up he lied to me about it. I'm worried about him.." He stated and looked at the ground.

"Well, if you want I can try to figure out what's up with him." I said with a sad smile as I set my hand on his shoulder.

"No, no it's alright. He'll tell me when he feels comfortable enough too." He replied, looking back up to me. "I'm just worried it's about, y'know, highschool.."

I shivered slightly at the memory then nodded in agreement before I hummed. Maybe he really is sorry. I only said I forgave him so he'd stop panicking but maybe, just maybe, he actually is sorry. Only one way to find out.

"Grian, no." Taurtis sighed, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him confused. "You had your scheming face on. No, you're not allowed to stalk Sam." He shook his head disappointedly, but he smiled slightly.

"I wasn't going to stalk him." I state and roll my eyes.

"Then whatever you're thinking, no! Absolutely not!" He said, holding back a laugh.

"And if I do it anyway?" I questioned, squinting at him.

He squinted back. "I'll have to tickle you to death." He grinned.

I gasped and took a step back, "You win! Don't touch me!" I said jokingly before mimicking a hiss from Jellie.

Taurtis started laughing, I joined him soon after.

~I'm running out of ideas for that so, have that~

Ah, I see. We may have to speed up our process.
But, that might get us all killed..! We just need more time-
WE DON'T HAVE TIME! Just, get it done.
Of, course, ma'am..

581 words

Short yes, but you've been revealed to lore.

Also sorry for not posting much,
School is being a pain and my free time,
which isn't a lot of time, I use to write
Frozen In Time, even though it's mostly
for myself. I'll start trying more, sorry!

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