chapter 1

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As the battle between Sirzech Lucifer and the White Dragon Emperor raged on they were teleported in underworld because of the unexpected arrival of Katerea Leviathan which sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Serafall and Azazel, both surprised and furious, confronted Katerea.

"Katerea, why are you here?" Serafall demanded, her anger palpable. "What do you want?"

Katerea, with a wicked grin, revealed her sinister intentions. "Today, I'll take the title of Maou Leviathan for myself. I've come to kill you, Serafall, along with the two fake Devil Kings." She snapped her fingers, summoning an army of human wizards, stray Devils, fallen Angels, and rogue Angels through magical portals.

"Attack!" Katerea commanded her forces, plunging the battlefield into chaos.

Azazel and Serafall, joined by their combined troops of Fallen Angels and Devils, engaged Katerea's army in a fierce battle. Spells clashed, swords clashed, and the sky was filled with elemental fury as the two sides fought for supremacy.

Amidst the chaos, a portal appeared unnoticed near Riser Phoenix's lifeless body. From it emerged a beautiful red-haired woman with deep blue eyes. She gently cradled Riser's body and whispered words of hope.

"Riser, my love, I can't let you die. You will come back to me."

Unbeknownst to the other combatants, she spirited Riser away from the battlefield, setting her own plans into motion.


On the battlefield, the clash between Katerea Leviathan's forces and the alliance of Azazel's Fallen Angels and Serafall's Devils intensified. Spells of immense power crackled through the air, clashing with the razor-sharp blades of Devils and the celestial weaponry of the Fallen Angels.

Azazel, a veteran of countless battles, led the charge against Katerea's human wizards. His wings glowed with ethereal energy as he used his teleportation abilities to outmaneuver the enemy, striking swiftly and with precision. Bolts of heavenly lightning surged from his staff, turning the battlefield into a dazzling spectacle of destruction.

Serafall, the current Maou Leviathan, showcased her mastery of elemental magic. She conjured torrents of water, creating barriers to shield her troops and drowning her foes. With a flick of her wrist, flames erupted from her fingertips, incinerating any opposition that dared to approach.

Katerea Leviathan, however, proved to be a formidable adversary. Her command over water-based magic rivaled even Serafall's, and she deftly countered the Leviathan Maou's attacks with her own aquatic onslaughts. Waves rose like titans, crashing down upon the battlefield, while serpentine constructs of water lashed out at the Devil and Fallen Angel forces.

The battle was chaotic, with both sides suffering casualties. Stray Devils, tempted by the promises of power from Katerea's faction, fought fiercely alongside the human wizards, making them unpredictable adversaries. Fallen Angels, under Azazel's command, fought with unwavering resolve, their sacred gear and angelic abilities countering the onslaught.

Amidst the maelstrom of magic and steel, the red-haired woman who had spirited away Riser Phoenix continued on her enigmatic path. She navigated through the chaos, her motivations known only to herself.

As the battle raged on, alliances shifted, loyalties were tested, and the fate of those involved remained uncertain in this ever-escalating conflict.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of magic and combat, with the clash between Azazel's forces and Katerea Leviathan's faction showing no signs of abating. Powerful spells and devastating attacks continued to ravage the landscape, leaving scars that would linger long after the battle had concluded.

Serafall, her eyes blazing with determination, unleashed a torrent of ice magic that encased several of Katerea's wizards in frozen prisons. The Devil troops rallied behind their Maou, pushing back the human and stray Devil fighters with sheer force of will.

Katerea Leviathan, her once haughty demeanor now replaced with a focused determination, countered with her own water-based spells. She created massive tidal waves that surged toward Serafall's position, threatening to engulf the Leviathan Maou and her allies.

Amidst the chaos, Azazel found himself locked in a fierce aerial duel with a high-ranking fallen angel. Their wings clashed, releasing brilliant sparks with each collision. Azazel's experience and mastery of fallen angel abilities gave him the upper hand, but his opponent fought with unmatched zeal.

Meanwhile, the mysterious red-haired woman had reached her destination. She gently laid Riser Phoenix's unconscious form in a secluded area away from the battlefield. Her true intentions remained hidden, and her actions puzzled those who happened to catch a glimpse of her.

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