chapter 10

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Vali, consumed by the power of the Juggernaut Drive, charged at Sirzechs with monstrous, otherworldly strength.

Sirzechs countered with a massive attack, pushing the dragon away, before attempting to shape the destructive power into a sword to slay the dragon in front of him. However, his focus on crafting the sword blinded him to the dragon's lunging bite towards his right hand.

Amidst the fierce struggle, Sirzechs felt the intensifying pain in his right hand. The overwhelming energy of the Juggernaut Drive surged through him, threatening to tear him apart from within and poison his bloodstream. But he pressed on, dedicating all his thoughts to protecting his sister.

With a resounding roar, Sirzechs summoned his last reserves of strength, directing the absorbed energy back at Vali. The unleashed power engulfed Vali, causing him to writhe in agony as he grappled with forces beyond his control.

In a moment of desperation, Sirzechs made the ultimate sacrifice, channeling his entire power into one devastating attack. A blinding explosion of crimson and azure erupted, consuming Vali. The air echoed with Vali's anguished screams as the energy tore through him.

As the dissipating smoke unveiled the scene, Vali Lucifer lay defeated, unconscious, and severely weakened. His Juggernaut Drive had been silenced, but the cost had been great.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs knelt, his right hand now a smoldering stump, poisoned by the ordeal. Tears welled up in Rias' eyes as she stood unharmed, her heart heavy with regret. She blamed herself for the decisions that had led to this moment, seeing her actions as bringing shame not only upon herself but also her family. Her brother's condition was a direct result of her choices.

The chamber remained in silence, a poignant testament to Sirzechs' unwavering love and sacrifice for his sister. In that moment, he had demonstrated that family bonds could endure even the most devastating of challenges, and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect the ones he held dear. Both of them soon transfer to the devil hospital for the treatment

As news of the chaos in the underworld spread like wildfire, the thoughts of the devil leaders were filled with a mixture of concern, anger, and uncertainty

the news of Riser Phoenix's downfall due to Rias' actions spread through the underworld, a wave of shock and disbelief swept over the devil community. Many wondered how such a prominent figure could be defeated, and doubts began to surface about the stability of the underworld's power dynamics once the hero of the underworld, had fallen from grace due to Rias' actions. The devil community couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and disappointment

The loss of Sirzech Lucifer's right arm in the battle against Vali Lucifer added to the turmoil. Sirzech was a symbol of strength and leadership in the underworld, and his injury left the devil society feeling vulnerable and uncertain about their future.

Then came the most disturbing news of all-The return of Rizevim Lucifer, the son of Satan himself, sent shockwaves through the underworld. His malevolent intentions to bring death and destruction to the world were met with a sense of dread and urgency. The very thought of his return filled their minds with dread and foreboding.Devil leaders knew they needed to unite and strategize to counter this impending threat. Fear and determination mingled in their thoughts as they contemplated the challenges ahead, realizing that the underworld was in grave peril, and their decisions would shape its destiny.

In the midst of this chaos and uncertainty, devils across the underworld grappled with a mixture of fear, anger, and a growing realization that they needed to come together to face these unprecedented challenges. The news had shaken the foundations of their world, and they knew that their future would be defined by how they responded to these dire circumstances.

In the wake of Riser Phoenix's downfall and the shock that rippled through the devil community, the House of Phoenix likely experienced a profound sense of humiliation and loss. As a prominent and influential devil family, their reputation was undoubtedly tarnished by Rias' actions. The members of the House of Phoenix may have felt a mixture of anger, betrayal, and disappointment, not only towards Rias but also towards their own inability to protect their esteemed leader. Rebuilding their influence and standing within the underworld might have become a pressing concern for them.

Common devils in the underworld were equally disturbed by the series of bad news that had befallen their realm. Their thoughts echoed the uncertainty and fear that had gripped their society.

In hushed conversations and dark corners of the underworld, they spoke of their concerns. They questioned the stability of their once-mighty realm, wondering if it was on the brink of collapse. They discussed the implications of Riser Phinoex's fall from grace and the implications of Sirzech Lucifer's injury. Speculation ran rampant, with some devils expressing doubts about their leadership and the direction their society was heading.

When it came to Rizevim Lucifer's return, the common devils were filled with dread. They shared stories of his past atrocities and the havoc he had wreaked. Concerns were voiced about the safety of their loved ones and the potential for widespread chaos.

Conversations were laced with a sense of urgency and a desire for unity. Many devils recognized the need to put aside their internal rivalries and differences to confront these threats. They discussed potential alliances and strategies to defend their realm from the impending doom that Rizevim Lucifer's return represented.

Overall, common devils were grappling with a mix of fear, anger, and a growing determination to protect their home and loved ones in the face of these dire circumstances.

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