chapter 13

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**Riser's POV:**

As the Rating Game was about to commence, Riser's cold determination and newfound emotional detachment set the stage for a unique and unpredictable clash with Rias Gremory. The fate of this world and the impending threat of Rizevim Lucifer hung in the balance. Riser Phoenix was no longer the same man who had faced Rias in the original story.

**Back to the Story:**

**(Riser's POV)

As the Rating Game was about to commence, Riser's cold determination and newfound emotional detachment set the stage for a unique and unpredictable clash with Rias Gremory.

The fate of this world and the impending threat of Rizevim Lucifer hung in the balance, and Riser Phoenix was no longer the same man who had faced Rias in canon.Riser's thoughts swirled as he watched the Rating Game unfold.

His peerage was engaged in battle with Rias' peerage, but he couldn't help but wonder if Riser had already briefed them on their tactics or if they were simply following their own instincts. It didn't matter to him at this point.With a glass of champagne in hand, Riser leaned back and observed the chaos that was unfolding before him.

He had changed, and so had his priorities. The petty rivalry and obsession with Rias that had consumed him before were now distant memories. The looming threat of Rizevim Lucifer had forced him to adapt, to become someone different.

**Issei's POV:**

I made my way to the gym with Koneko-chan. Since the main entrance was connected to the new school building, we needed to find an alternative way in to avoid detection. We approached a different door on the opposite side of the gym and turned the knob; it was unlocked. The gym resembled the real thing so closely that it was almost uncanny. I wouldn't be surprised if they claimed the entire event took place at the actual Kuoh Academy.

Entering through the back platform, we realized that the curtain was still up, offering us a clear view of the gymnasium. As I tried to peek at the court, Koneko-chan alerted me, "Presence. Enemy."

Before I could react to this revelation, a woman's voice echoed through the gym, revealing that Riser's servants had detected our presence. There was no more need to hide. Koneko-chan and I boldly emerged on the platform. Four female Devils stood on the court.

The woman in the china dress, the twins, and the loli girl who had knocked me down earlier were all here. It was quite unexpected to encounter her so soon. If my memory served me right, the woman in the china dress was the [Rook], the twins were the [Pawns], and the small girl was also a [Pawn]. I recognized them from the photos and descriptions we'd received in the clubroom before coming here. Our forces were evenly matched with three [Pawns] and one [Rook] each.

However, we couldn't avoid this confrontation due to our plan.

**(Time Skip)**

“We will definitely dissemble you into pieces!” The twins revved their chainsaws once again. But I had already fulfilled the necessary conditions for activating my ultimate technique.

“Take this! My new ultimate technique! Dress Break!”

With a snap of my fingers, the clothes of the chainsaw twins and the stick-wielding girl were blown away, even their undergarments. Their white, curvaceous bodies were laid bare before me. Despite the situation, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"N-Noooooooooooooooooo!" Their screams filled the gym as they tried to shield their modesty.

“Ahahahahaha! How’s that!? This is my technique, and I call it 'Dress Break'! I just kept on imagining the girl’s clothing getting blown away into pieces! I poured all of my talent into making a technique that will make all of the girls naked!”

**Riser's POV:**

This mother fucker how dare he do that to the girls of my peerage it was one thing to watch it in anime but if you think about from the girls pov that basterd make them naked infront of the entire underworld without any care .....ooooo.. I sooogonna make him cry tears of blood just you wait issei originally I was gonna sit back and enjoy the show then like the original series gonna win it But this.. this just changes everything

This is infuriating. Issei's actions had exposed the girls in my peerage in front of the entire underworld. I'd watched similar situations in the original series, but now, seeing it happen to the girls personally, it filled me with anger. Issei's audacity has changed everything.

I contemplated my response. I could use Issei's own move to humiliate Rias's entire peerage in return. But then, the gravity of the situation hit me. Rias was the sister of Sirzech Lucifer, one of the most powerful beings in this universe. If I did to her what I did in my original universe, Sirzech would unleash unimaginable fury.

This universe didn't make any sense to me. In my original world, Sirzech was weaker than the other Devil Kings and wasn't as protective of his sister. but unlike my version of Sirzech were he was weaker then the original devil kings and weaker then Michael and azazel but in this universe he was not only stronger than them but also comes in top 10 strongest beings in this universe and he is more of  siscon unlike my original universe and I am dam sure if I bring rias to court and do the same thing which I did in my universe Sirzech gonna murder every one...sigh seriously Fuck this original dxd universe

As I lost myself in thought, time slipped away, and Rias was nearing my base. The match was reaching its climax, much like in the original series. I threw my champagne glass aside and ascended to the roof to face Rias.

The end.

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