chapter 14

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(Till now )

The match was reaching its climax, much like in the original series. I threw my champagne glass aside and ascended to the roof to face Rias.

(Back to the story)

Riser stood on the roof, a mocking smile on his face, as Rias Gremory and Asia approached him. The tension in the air was palpable as they locked eyes.

Riser: "Aaah... Rias, you just can't wait to see your lovely Riser and come running towards me. How lovely! I didn't know you loved me this much."

Rias clenched her fists, her face turning red with anger, unable to contain her frustration.

Rias: "You... you bastard! I don't love you! I hate you!".

Riser couldn't help but laugh, adopting a mocking, childlike tone.

Riser: "No, no, no, bad Rias. You're such a bad girl. You really want Riser to spank you and give you a good spanking. You just have to wait until marriage, then Riser will love to give you a good spanking, which you want. Okay, bear with it till then."

The audience of both Devils and spectators from the underworld watched in shock as Rias and Asia's faces turned crimson. Asia, in her innocence, couldn't help but express her surprise.

Asia: "I didn't know you were interested in this kind of thing, Rias-sama."

Rias turned toward Asia, her face completely flushed, trying to find the right words.

Rias: "Asia... I..."

Riser, not one to miss an opportunity to mock Rias, continued.Riser: "Asia's right; you didn't know. Rias has some very weird kinks, like sleeping with her servants naked, and..."

Rias couldn't bear to hear more and unleashed her power of destruction, sending a powerful blast towards Riser.Riser's body started to regenerate, and he quickly adopted an apologetic tone.

Riser: "What happened, Rias... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned your weird kinks in the open like this. Because of my mistake, now the whole underworld knows about your kinks. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my devil heart."

Rias :- you....youu

Rias was at a loss for words, her face burning with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

Riser continued to mock her a few more times, pushing her patience to its limit.

Then, in a sudden move, he teleported behind her, gripping her neck tightly, rendering her unconscious. He caught her limp body gracefully, his sinister smile never leaving his face

.In that moment, the voice of Grayfia Lucifuge, the Rating Game referee, announced the outcome.

Grayfia: "Ladies and gentlemen, Rias Gremory has fallen. Riser Phoenix is the victor of this Rating Game!"

The underworld spectators erupted into cheers, celebrating Riser's unexpected triumph. Riser Phoenix had managed to outsmart Rias Gremory, and his unorthodox tactics had caught her off guard. It was a shocking turn of events, and Riser reveled in his moment of victory. The balance of power had shifted, and he had emerged as the winner.

The show was over and the riser knew  nobody was looking and used this moment to take revenge on issei

Riser see issei was staring at him angry was prence in his face and to make issei more angry riser lean down and give a kiss to rias on her lips which made aisa blush and issei range to peak it throw the roof and he shouted at riser

But Riser ignore him and hand over rias to Asia and said her to take care of rias and teleported away 

As Riser disappeared with his victorious smirk, the atmosphere on the rooftop was a mixture of shock, anger, and confusion. Issei's rage was palpable, and he couldn't contain his fury any longer.

Issei: "You... you... Riser, you son of a devil! How dare you!"

Asia, holding the unconscious Rias in her arms, was blushing furiously and flustered from the unexpected kiss. Her heart raced as she tried to focus on Rias.

Asia: "R-Rias-sama, are you okay? What do we do now?"

Rias, slowly regaining consciousness, blinked and looked at Asia, still flustered. She managed to compose herself and gently pushed Asia's hand away.

Rias: "I'm fine, Asia. Don't worry about me. We have to deal with this situation."

Issei's anger was boiling over as he clenched his fists, looking down at the spot where Riser had vanished.

Issei: "I can't believe he did that! Rias, we have to get back at him. We can't let this stand."

Koneko, ever the composed one, tried to offer a level-headed perspective.

Koneko: "Issei, let's focus on Rias and our next move. Revenge can come later. We need to regroup."

Grayfia, the Rating Game referee, approached them, her expression unreadable.

Grayfia: "I understand this turn of events is upsetting, but the rules of the Rating Game have been followed. Riser Phoenix is the winner."

Issei turned to Grayfia, his frustration evident.

Issei: "But there must be something we can do, right? This can't be the end of it."

Grayfia: "I'm afraid the outcome is final. But remember, Rating Games are not just about physical strength. They're about strategy and wit. You'll have your chance to challenge Riser again."

Asia, holding Rias, interjected with determination.

Asia: "Yes, we will find a way to defeat him next time. Rias-sama, we won't let him get away with this."

Rias nodded, her anger simmering beneath her composed facade.

Rias: "You're right, Asia. We'll come up with a plan. But for now, we need to regroup and recover."

As the group made their way off the rooftop, Issei's mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge. He turned to Rias with unwavering determination.

Issei: "Rias, I promise you, I'll make Riser pay for what he did today. We won't rest until he's put in his place."

Rias, touched by Issei's resolve, gave a faint smile and nodded.

Rias: "Thank you, Issei. We'll face this challenge together, as a team."

Meanwhile, in a hidden chamber, Riser Phoenix was reveling in his victory. He laughed heartily as his servants and supporters congratulated him.

Riser: "Oh, what a delightful day this has been! Defeating Rias and kissing her in front of Issei – it couldn't have gone any better."

One of his loyal servants, Mira, approached him cautiously.

Mira: "But Riser-sama, won't this escalate the conflict with Rias Gremory and her team?"

Riser chuckled, savoring the idea of a rivalry.

Riser: "That's exactly what I want, Mira. Let them come at me with all their might. I'll be ready. And when the time is right, I'll make Rias mine and make her life a living hell  and she'll regret ever crossing me."

riser started  laughing eveily

Riser :- hihihihahahahahaha....

As the Underworld celebrated Riser's victory, tensions were rising, and a new chapter in the ongoing conflict between Rias Gremory and Riser Phoenix had begun. The battle for power, pride, and love in the world of devils was far from over, and the pieces were being set for the next clash.

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