chapter 9

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Rias Gremory's plan had been carefully crafted, fueled by years of pent-up anger and the desire for revenge against Riser Phoenix. She believed that manipulating Issei and Kiba, her two trusted comrades, would be the key to achieving her goal. However, as events began to unfold, she found herself facing unforeseen consequences.

Issei Hyoudou, often seen as a pervert, had indeed been drawn to Rias' seductive charms. He had fallen victim to her manipulations, driven by his desires and fantasies. Rias had hoped to use him as a weapon, a means to an end in her quest to destroy Riser.

She knows that she have to careful so she manipulated issei by cutting the link between him and drag by stating she feels ashamed if drag who was inside issei's arm will hear or learn about their intimate in counter and issei driven by his lust he cut of the link between drag and him darg also get seriously mad at issei and went to slumber But as their intimate encounters continued, Issei began to question the nature of their relationship. He sensed that something was amiss, that he was being used for more than just physical pleasure.

One evening, as they lay together in a dimly lit room, Issei spoke up, his voice tinged with concern. "Rias, I can't help but feel like there's more to our... arrangement than meets the eye. What are we really doing here?"

Rias hesitated, realizing that her carefully constructed façade was beginning to crumble. She had not anticipated Issei's perceptiveness. "Issei, please, just trust me. I have my reasons for this," she replied, attempting to deflect his questions.

But Issei was no longer content to be kept in the dark. "I thought we were a team, Rias. We've been through so much together, and I've always admired you. But this... it feels wrong. I need to know the truth."

Rias sighed, realizing that she couldn't keep her motives hidden any longer. She confessed her plan to use him and Kiba to exact revenge on Riser Phoenix. Issei's expression darkened as he absorbed the revelation.

"I understand your anger, Rias, but using me like this... it's not right," Issei said, disappointment evident in his voice. "I can't be a part of something that goes against our principles."

Rias felt a pang of guilt as she watched Issei gather his clothes and leave, his sense of honor and loyalty stronger than his desires.

Meanwhile, Kiba had been dealing with his own inner turmoil. He had initially been swayed by Rias' persuasive arguments, feeling indebted to her for providing him with shelter and sustenance after he was cast out from his former life. But as the plan to manipulate Issei and confront Riser took shape, Kiba began to question the morality of their actions.

Late on at night, he approached Rias with issei , his expression conflicted. "Rias, I've been thinking about what we're planning to do. Using Issei and manipulating him like this... it doesn't sit right with me."

Rias could sense Kiba's hesitation and knew that she was losing his support as well. She tried to convince him that their cause was just, that Riser deserved to pay for his past actions. But Kiba remained resolute.

"I can't condone this, Rias. Revenge won't bring back what you've lost, and it won't make things right. I won't be a part of it," Kiba declared before leaving to find his own path.

Rias was left alone, her plan in shambles. She had underestimated the strength of her comrades' convictions and the power of their principles. Her quest for revenge had driven a wedge between her and those she cared about most.

As she reflected on her choices, Rias realized that perhaps revenge was not the answer. She had lost sight of the values and bonds that truly mattered. Now, she faced a difficult decision-continue down a path of vengeance or find a way to reconcile with her friends and rebuild the trust she had lost.

Rias Gremory's desire for revenge against Riser Phoenix had driven her to a point of no return. She had cast commanding spells of overwhelming power on Issei and Kiba with new memories where they agree to help her she forcing them to confront Riser and exact the vengeance she so desperately craved.

Little did she know that her actions would have unintended consequences, plunging her world into chaos.

As Issei and Kiba, under the influence kill riser result in the battle between Sirzechs Lucifer and Vali Lucifer

Sirzechs, fueled by his desire to protect his sister Rias and her peerage, unleashed his true destructive power. He covered himself with the overwhelming aura of destruction, a form that had rarely been seen before. The ground trembled beneath his feet as he unleashed devastating waves of destruction energy, threatening to obliterate everything in his path.

Vali, on the other hand, had tapped into the full might of the White Dragon Emperor, Juggernaut Drive. Enraged by the death of Riser Phoenix who was like a big brother to him which he never had he had lost all restraint. His dragon wings expanded to their full glory, radiating an aura of pure power that rivaled Sirzechs' destructive force.

The clash between Sirzechs and Vali shook the very foundations of the underworld, as two Devil of unparalleled strength clashed in a battle that threatened to tear apart the fabric of reality itself. Their destructive energies clashed with such intensity that it created shockwaves capable of destroying continents.

Rias Gremory's quest for revenge had set in motion a series of events that would test the limits of power, loyalty, and the darkness that lurked within the hearts of devils.

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